Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Yeah, Yeah. I Know.

Been a while!  As Froggy reminded me.

There just isn't anything spectacular going on.  Normal, quite, calm "real life" and that is about it.  I'm not complaining, it's still a nice and obvious change from what we had been dealing with concerning Bill's last job.

Speaking of Bill, he had his annual skin cancer check last week.  For the first time in more years than I can remember, he did not have any.  He had three or four little spots that could become skin cancer in the future and one of them was probably close, so the doctor froze them all and the big one was frozen twice.  Because of the size, the doctor was afraid it might not all freeze so he wants Bill to go back next week so he can look at it and freeze it again if it needs it.  But that's all, no cutting, no slicing, nothing!  It is such a nice change.  The doctor said that Bill should get two weeks of back rubs, but Bill settled for lunch that day. :)

Beyond that, it's just normal and quiet and I'm not complaining.

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