Sunday, October 29, 2006

Yard Work

Today we took down the 2 flower beds in the back yard. One was up next to the house and ran the entire length of the house, the other one was the old tulip bed and wasn't too big. We have a big problem with moles & gophers, since the dogs are always trying to dig them up I can't keep the pooches out of the flower beds. The last mole they got was caught in the flower bed in fact. So we decided to move the beds to the front yard, the tulip bed will be on the side of the garage. So we had to dig up all the wooden edges and then drag all the wood to the woodpile. It was old fence rail and was very heavy. I'm also going to extend my rock garden about a foot since it was bordering the flower bed next to the house. Otter has a small rock garden but I think she wants to combine hers with mine, since hers in in a corner by the fence and the wind always blows leaves into it. She has several concrete animals that I've painted for her, they are in her rock garden at the moment.

William's stitches were removed today. His finger is healing fine. While the nurse was removing the stitches, a man came in the door to get stitches in his finger from where he caught it on a saw blade! What is it with men and power tools? Genetics maybe? Or just clumsiness but they don't want to admit it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dad owns a local home repair company. One time he came home with a band aid on his finger with blood seeping through because he tried to nail gun his hand to something. It is definitely guys. Then again I was the most recent person in the family to get stitches - because I was cutting a browning and the knife slipped. errgg (My step mom took me out for ice cream afterwards and then I when home and had a browning. :D )