Friday, April 22, 2016

Thoughts on the Loss of a Musical Genius

When the world lost the brilliance that was David Bowie a few months ago, one of my comments in my blog entry was that Prince had always been one of my favorites and that I considered him to be very much like Bowie.  They have a lot in common; immense talent and being very much the trendsetters although in Bowie's case he was the trend and the rest of the world followed.

Prince was at the very least a trendsetter and very much "ahead of the curve" in terms of his talent and the art he produced.

It probably sounds odd that a middle aged, conservative white female likes Prince's music.  But I always have.  Music is very important to me and always will be.  I chose not to be boxed in the a particular genre, style, sounds, etc. but prefer to just enjoy and immerse myself in nearly all styles.

Prince was a very unique person and performer.  While Bowie was the background music and soundtrack of my childhood (and really all of my life), Prince was the type of talent that was the same for a later generation or two.  I think if I have to pick a favorite song, it would be When Doves Cry.

I think it's a very appropriate song for this week.

Talent like that does not come around very often and it's frequently not recognized - at least not always in the artist's lifetime.  But sometimes it is, and the loss of a gifted, brilliant artist like Prince is a hard one to take.  He was truly a musical genius.

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