Friday, June 12, 2009

Quck Friday Catch-Up

No, I did not say catsup (ketchup)! :)

OK, here we go:

Toadles got home safely, he called me Monday evening when he was nearly home and I've gotten emails from him so I know he made it. We enjoyed his visit so much, I think it's been about 2 years since I saw my brother and it was really fun having him here.

Otter went to work with me a couple of days this week and she stayed home a couple of days. She will have a very short summer so she's getting all the enjoyment out of it that she can. More on that later.

The dogs are temporarily forbidden from the back yard. Not because of the bamboo this time. Because of the bunny! We've seen a very young bunny running around out there. It's not a baby, but it is probably this years crop. Frasier would probably love a rabbit dinner, but we'd prefer that he not have one.

Nana arrives Monday! We are excited. She'll be here the entire week, her visit last year was just too short. I had jury duty in the midst of it so I really missed out. Bill and Otter will pick her up at the airport, then we will hit the Chinese buffet for dinner. I will have to work most of the week, but I will be off on Thursday - Bill's birthday.

We had a pretty windy day today. About 10:30 this morning, it was as dark as midnight. And very cloudy. Then very windy. 70+ mph straight line winds. There was some thunder and rain with this, but the wind was the main concern. It was a very fast moving storm with some trees uprooted in places, but not nearly as bad as the wind storm we had 5 years ago last week. I'm really glad that Toadles' visit was last week, because today's (expected) storm hit right about the time he'd have been driving and it was not a good place to be!

OK, we're all caught up now. I think.

Oh yeah - if you attempt to call my cell phone, don't expect to get me. It's still acting up and I've gone Texan Woman on Sprint twice. There will not be a third time. Well, there will be a third time but it will involve me talking directly to customer service and getting results. It won't be pretty. For them, anyway.

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