Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Thoughts on Orlando

I am a conservative Christian.  That has not and will not change.  But I'm realizing that I have also been very judgmental.  That is something that needs to change.

I still believe and always will believe that some things are not right, they are against what the Bible clearly says and as such they are against God's laws.  Man can make his own laws but that does not change God's laws.

However, we can all make our own lifestyle choices.  And we shouldn't be judged for that.  We should be respectful of each other and each other's choices.  I don't have to agree with specific choices that people make.  They don't have to agree with mine.  What we all need to do is accept that we are not all the same and that we don't have to be.

What happened in Orlando on Sunday night was an act of terrorism.  There is no doubt about that.  At this point, it may have been anti-gay or it may have "just" been anti-American.

But the actual reason for the shooter's actions don't really matter in the long run.  Innocent people were murdered.  Families are torn apart and everyone of those people had parents, friends and people who they loved and who loved them.  Parents and families that are now having to deal with the worst pain possible.

No matter what choices we make in life, we are all special to God.  And we are all, hopefully, special to other people - friends, family whether family is by blood relationship or not.

And nothing, NOTHING, can excuse the taking of another's life.

We are all diminished by the death and pain caused Sunday night by a madman.

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