Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Been a while!

Since the last time I updated this. Otter is well, she's back at school but is still having some asthma. But she's over the bug and we are happy about that. She hasn't been to karate in over a week, and I'm not sure yet about Thursday.

Vacation plans: We are probably not going to be taking any trips this year. We enjoy seeing everyone, but we have decided to have home vacations this year. We haven't gotten to do that in quite a while, and we feel the need this year. However, anyone who wants to come see us is welcome - the road does run both ways, you know! :) Just give us a phone call - especially Toadly so I can fill the fridge!!!

It's very cold still. 30's daytimes, mid teens at night. We had snow flurries this morning and bitterly cold winds. Tomorrow should be the same, but it might be up into the low 50's for a few days after that. I think the groundhog missed it this year - maybe they used the wrong groundhog? Or maybe he was looking the wrong direction! Whatever, I'm ready for spring! But not for spring storms.

Ever try going several days without blowing your nose? It's not easy, let me tell you! For those of you I didn't email, I had a major nosebleed Monday and had to go to an emergency clinic because it would not stop. That's the 3rd one in about a week, but the other two were not nearly as bad. This one was very bad. Basically, the doctor froze my nose! The bleeding was up pretty high into my nasal passages. He told me not to blow my nose for several days. WHICH IS ABOUT THE HARDEST THING THERE IS TO NOT DO! I also have some bruising around the edge of my right nostril, I've been told I look frostbitten but I think I prefer to say that I've been in a fight. It sounds better than the real story. I've also had a severe sinus headache as a result. The doctor said that if I get another one like that, to go straight to the ER and this time not to drive myself. Sneezing is absolute torture right now.

Frasier has a new trick. Maggie makes a sound like a cat purring when she's happy, especially if she's getting petted or a belly rub. Tonight Frasier started doing the same thing while I was scratching his ears. My dogs are turning into kitties!

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