Monday, February 26, 2007

Has the tomb of Jesus been found?

Come on, get real. This guy is saying he hopes to find the bones of Jesus. Only one problem with that - the bones were resurrected! Then Jesus ascended into heaven, he was not reburied. When are "they" going to realize that God is not something that can be minimized, rationalized or explained away!!!!! Geesh.

Major, major wind came through on Saturday. We managed to not get any of the bad spring-like weather that was forecast. But it was extremely windy and the patio furniture got rearranged twice by the wind. We were almost afraid that the Magginator would take flight, those long ears of hers...

And for Froggy, Maggie is not the sharpest crayon in the box, we all know that. But at least it didn't take her 2 years to learn her name! Hee, hee. I know who you are! :)

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