Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Tomorrow, 2/28/07, will be 14 years since we moved to Oklahoma. It was a good move for us, although it was difficult at first. I remember being extremely homesick for a few days, then I got busy with unpacking and trying to keep track of a one-year old redheaded girl who gave the Energizer Bunny a run for the money!

Some of the difficult things: I was sick with a sinus infection at the time. Having to find a pediatrician in a hurry because kiddo got sick immediately (we now know it was probably her cat allergy). Learning my way around Tulsa (not that hard actually). The U-Haul truck having problems near Dallas and having to get someone to come out and attempt to repair it - we wound up not being able to turn it off or it wouldn't start again which made for a fun experience when we had to stop for gas, and potty stops had to be done with one of us staying in the truck while waiting anxiously for the other one to hurry! Spring weather! (We learned fast what that siren meant). State income tax. Discovering that there really weren't all that many Tex-Mex places to eat and we STILL CAN'T FIND BREAKFAST TACOS! (but there are more places to eat now). The first weekend in October, Texas/OU game - only bad when we lose. Hardest of all, leaving our family and friends and all that was familiar!

Good things: Much smaller city than SA so the traffic is a lot better and I could be across town in 30 minutes or less, even with traffic! We actually get to see seasons change, Autumn was a new one for us and we like winter weather - when we get it in small doses far apart. The cost of living is less. First weekend in October when we win! (Which we have done the last 2 years in a row). We are in a really good school district. We like our church.

There have been some hard times when it was difficult to be so far away from family, 3 deaths to deal with (Wyona, Clara, Jim). And it can be hard to ride 10 hours in a car to get to see everyone. But we are very happy here and all in all, we are glad we took the chance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can just hear him now-You should move back. Froggy