Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Call Batman! The Joker Has Escaped!

Joker (Otter) and Harley Quinn (J) were sighted in the Dallas area last weekend.

J's mask was originally a little different, but parts of it were apparently thrown out when it was in pieces waiting for paint to dry.  Otter's suit came from a thrift store, I think it was $10.00.  Her shoes were from a shoe store, the props were made from either things they had already or dollar store toys.  Otter bought her wig online, it was a little tight on her but she can probably fix that.  She made the vest, J found the purple tie and they both sewed his costume.  He's pretty tall and has big feet, he couldn't find any shoes in his size in the black and red combination so he finally took some he had and painted them.  There may be some fine-tuning on the costumes, but they looked great.  They will go to TNT, the anime con in Tulsa in the summer, in these costumes.  Otter said that there were a few other female jokers,but no other male Harley Quinns.  As such, they got stopped for pictures often.  They tend to go with less common, unusual costumes or combinations and they get a lot of attention.  Even in an arena where everybody is in costume, they get a lot more attention than most attendees.  They had a lot of fun, obviously.  The first picture has a third person, I think it's one of the people they went with.  Possibly J's mom.

Maggie Moo got her shots today, it was time for the rabies shot and DPT/whatever it's called!  We didn't go to the vet this time.  I called them to ask what she was due for and they reminded me that if I brought her in there I would have to pay for an exam, so they suggested I take her to one of the local agriculture/farm/pet stores that has shot clinics since she's been in there recently twice and had exams.  So, we went to the store in our little town since they have theirs on Wednesday afternoons.  Maggie was happy, she wasn't sure at first about the car ride but once she figured out that we didn't turn where we normally did for the V.E.T., she gave me a big puppy grin and curled up in the seat with her tail wagging on full!  At one point, she stood up and put her paws on the dashboard to see out (we were stopped at a light) and she was quite happy to get out of the car.  She got to visit grass she hasn't visited before and she also got to meet two other beagles that were at the shot clinic.  She was quite happy to wait in line until it was our turn.  Then we went into the exam room and she figured it out!  Cue droopy beagle.  She buried her face in my stomach and was very happy when I lifted her off of the exam table after her shots.  Then she was happy to leave, we visited more grass she hadn't been to before and she got in the car willingly.  She's a little quiet tonight, which is usual after shots.  But she's fine otherwise.

She is not eating herself into a food coma, I filled up the food reservoir with the remaining food in the bin and it was just almost enough to fill it up.  She ate however much she wanted this morning, but she didn't keep eating.  Every so often, if I'm in the kitchen she'll go in there and see what I'm up to.  She sometimes grabs a piece or two of kibble, but mostly she just looks at it - I think she's checking to see if it's still there!  We'll watch her anyway, if she does act like she's going to eat eat eat just because she can then we'll start putting it up on the counter after she's eaten breakfast.  At the moment, she's snoring.

I bought mini blinds to put in the front room today.  The front room is also known as the guest/craft/YARN room.  When it was Ottter's room, she had a darker curtain inside the window sill and then a navy blue curtain on the curtain rod.  It's always gotten a lot of light.  She didn't want a lot of light in her window when she was trying to sleep.  After she moved, I wanted a little more light since it's where I do most of my crafting, so I donated the curtain from the inside of the window sill.  We still have the outer curtain in there, but I think it's a little too sheer to use in the room guests will sleep in.  So, I got a mini blind and Bill will put it up in the next few days.  The navy blue curtain will get put in the donate bag.  Eventually, I will have enough doilies for my curtain project - I got another 3 or 4 last weekend.

Froggy, want to help me piece it together and see where it stands?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I would love to. Froggy