Sunday, June 14, 2015


Ottermom's tired!

I've been running all over creation since Thursday afternoon, when Froggy & her daughter (KN#3) arrived.  So far, we have shopped at:  3 fabric stores, 1 thrift store, 3 antique malls, l very large flea market, 1 museum gift shop, 1 grocery store and a couple of convenience stores.  We also went to a museum, attempted to find family graves at a small cemetery about an hour away (no luck), have eaten at 3 or 4 different places, went to one park (fed about a billion squirrels!), one used book store, have taken a bunch of beagle walks and have gone to 3 or 4 small towns surrounding Tulsa.  They'll be here through Tuesday, so we have one more day of shopping and we've got 2 fabric stores planned plus Braums.

Otter and J have been to all the places with us, but Otter has to work tomorrow so she won't be able to go with us. But I understand that they both have tired feet, like the rest of us!

Think it's going to be an early-to-bed kind of night!

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