Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What happened to Global Warming?

I think it's a lie! Still cold here! It started snowing at 8:30 this morning. I had already called and ordered more firewood, and was going to meet Bubba & Bubba after work. But they called me early and said that it was snowing pretty hard, so they wanted to deliver early. So I left for lunch about 11:30 and drove past more than one accident due to slick roads, but the wood got delivered & stacked. We were completely out, we had already used the entire rick (1/2 of a cord) that we bought in the fall and what we had left from last winter! But now we have plenty more. I called my boss to tell him I was about to head back, but he told me to not come back since the weather had gotten bad. Fine with me! I was also going to get groceries after work today out of necessity, so I went to Wallyworld and then decided to get the Otter from school early. Then we slid most of the way home!

It is very cold and I am ready for spring. Except that then we'll have the other storm possibility that this area is known for.

Anybody watching Heroes? We love it. Really fun show.

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