Sunday, June 03, 2007

It's Sunday (Again!) and Maybe Finally Past Rainy Season

Well, hopefully the rainy season is over. But you never know, up here the weather changes faster than even Texas!

Otter is off to camp tomorrow. She's excited about it. Can't imagine why, but being away from the parental units for a whole week apparently sounds like fun to her. :)

If anyone wants to send her mail, here's the address:

(6/6/07 - I took the address out, any mail sent this late won't get to her before she leaves.)

She will be there all week, coming home on Saturday. So the mail has to be received by Friday at the latest. Plan on about 3 days for mailing time, at least from Texas. She won't have her cell ph0ne, they are not allowed. And neither are gameboys, ipods, etc. Those kids are going to have to exist for a whole week without those things, they are so deprived! And because it is a church camp, specifically Baptist, they are very strict about clothing. Otter doesn't like anything that is too short or revealing anyway, but it was nearly impossible to find shorts that she could wear. Very little that is sold currently is long enough. We finally hit a thrift store and managed to find her 2 pair but it was last minute. And she also has to have a dress or skirt, or nice slacks, for the evening church services at camp.

We just got back from the rent house. There were a couple of minor things that Bill needed to fix. As we were leaving, the tenant said that the ceiling fan/light in the dining room was not working right so Bill went back in and checked it. It's going to need to be replaced, but that's not a big job. Bill will get it sometime in the next several days. We might take the light from our dining room and put it up over there, then buy a new one for us. We have been wanting to get a newer one, we just haven't gotten around to it yet, the one we have works but we just don't really like it.

And as we were talking to the tenant, he said that he's not sure yet if he wants to buy the house or not. Last time we talked, he was certain. But now he's not sure. I have a feeling that he's changed his mind completely but didn't want to admit it. I told him that he needs to decide soon and to let us know. He told me he will call me, I told him that I really would like to hear from him - either way - by the end of the week. It's really kind of frustrating!

Froggy, Otter wants to know what your opinion is on snakes. As in, are you afraid of them? Or is it just turtles, frogs and lizards? I'm not sure about the lizard part, it just seems like they are also something you don't like!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not afraid of lizards.
i do not like snakes.Froggy