Friday, June 22, 2007

TGIF! Busy Day

Yesterday (Thursday), Froggy & I went to Hominy, which is about 65 miles from home. We went to the cemetery and after much searching, finally found our grandparent's graves. We put flowers out. We looked for our aunt & uncle's graves but never found them. It's an old, country cemetery and is well-maintained, but there has been an immense amount of rain lately and several of the gravel roads through the cemetery were washed out. We did spend a lot of time there, and looked at quite a few of the Indian graves. Most of the Indian graves are Osage, as Hominy is in the Osage Nation. We also drove around Hominy, which takes maybe 5 minutes from end to end. We found our aunt & uncles's house and where we think the house is that Dad grew up in.

On the way back, we stopped at an interesting store, the kind I call "junktique stores", in Skiatook which is a town only slightly bigger than Hominy. It was a fun stop, I had been thinking about a cast-iron pot to plant cactus in so that I could take them out but still carry them inside in the winter. There was one there that I liked, but I realized it would be too heavy to move. However, I found a tall cooking pot that is pink. It's not new, and some of the pink enamel is chipped off but it gives it character. I was considering a chamber pot for the cactus, but I didn't see any that I liked.

Today (Friday), we went to Wallyworld (I know, she came 500 miles and I take her to WalMart!) then we went to the mall for a while. We stopped at Braum's so Froggy could get her Braum's ice cream fix and then we went to Atwood's. Atwood's is a farm and ranch store but they have so much more. It's kind of like the WalMart of ranch supply stores. Froggy wants to go back there if we have time, maybe tomorrow. The original plan for today was to go swimming, but it was pretty overcast and too cool so we decided on shopping instead.

We took Froggy out for Chinese food, which was delicious but of course we ate too much. Then we took her to Goodwill and found all sorts of things.

Bill had the doctor appointment to follow up on his ear infection. It's better but now the left ear is bothering him. He has to continue with the antibiotic but he's developed a rash on his arms which might be from it, so we have to keep an eye on it. And the drops need to be used in both ears now. But he's lost about 30 pounds or maybe even more. I weighed while I was there, and I'm down close to 30 myself.

Tomorrow we are going to at least one flea market, and then we'll see what else we decide to do. Sunday we are going to the zoo.

It rained a little bit today, but not anything bad like we had earlier in the week. Mosquitos are getting to be pretty bad. And with the rain we've had and the cooler weather, even though we had a hard & cold winter we still will probably have problems with ticks & fleas this summer.

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