Friday, June 08, 2007

Long Week!! But it's Friday and I'm Glad.

It's been a looooooooooooooooooooong week, without the Otter around the house. Maggie Beagle is still moping, but she's better. She'll probably be so excited tomorrow to see her kid that she won't be able to stand still.

When Bill was mowing the lawn just now, I brought all the dog toys up to the deck. And the dogs took them right back out to the yard. I brought them up to the deck again. And the dogs took them right back out again. We played that game about 5 times. Then I finally just brought the dogs in, bribed them to stay inside with ice cubes (their favorite treat) and belly rubs. They've got me well trained, don't you agree!?

Otter will only be home a few days. Then I put her on a plane Wednesday morning for her next summer trip. She's pretty excited about that one, too.

We finally have the final tally on the hospital bills, we are getting off "lightly" which is actually one of those open to individual interpretation comments! But for the hospital, doctor, surgeon, lab work, emergency room charges, anesthesia - all of it, it's not nearly as bad as it could be. Before the bills were submitted to the insurance, they totaled up about $20,000.00. So I'm not complaining! However, since I have now met my deductible for the year if I have anything at all needing medical attention, I'm going to make sure it's taken care of before Dec. 31 so it will be covered.

Froggy - when you come see me in 2 weeks, we have to drive by/through the ORU campus. Oral Roberts University, also known as Oral's momument to HIMSELF although he says God told him to build it and he pretends that it's a monument to God. But it really isn't. It's something to see, alright. It looks like it's straight out of a 1960's sci-fi B movie!

Rescued another small frog from the dog's water dish this afternoon. Bill's rescued a couple of them as well lately. They are not always the same frog, although I'm sure that some of them are repeats.

I bought a new hummingbird feeder the other day - found it at Salvation Army of all places, but it was unopened. This one has bee guards. It makes 5 that I have now, they were all washed out and refilled yesterday and are hanging all over the place on the house. Everytime I go outside, seems like I get buzzed by a hummer! They are funny little birds, I love to watch them. So far we still only have a couple this year. But they are still managing to keep my feeders empty quickly.

Thank a veteran if you can! I do, on a regular basis. Something else I learned from Dad.

Dad-isms start now! His favorite name for people who got on his nerves was Knothead. He used to sit and watch Bugs Bunny cartoons with me on Saturday morning, we especially loved the Roadrunner. More Dad-isms as I think of them. Anybody else got any? Email me or leave a comment.

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