Sunday, May 24, 2009

Anybody Want to Play Pool?

Or at least get in the pool!

It's in place and filling up. It will take it a few more hours, then we should be able to swim in a few days. The water won't be warm enough until then. I'm not a duck, I don't like to sit in cold water.

We are finished with the bamboo block. We are going to get more bamboo tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, the rain will hold off long enough.

It rained yesterday afternoon and is sprinkling now. It's supposed to be the same tomorrow, dry morning and then possibly raining in the afternoon. So we will get the chickens grilled in the morning and then eat them whenever, with the macaroni salad and corn on the cob. I'm hoping that I can get my flag out tomorrow, so maybe it won't rain after all.
Frasier smells. He smells like a wet dog! He was outside just long enough to dampen his fur just enough so that he smells. Well, I've been out working in the yard so I probably don't smell much better. I am heading for the shower in a few minutes. When my left knee lets me, that is.
It's been bothering me lately, and I mowed the lawn this morning which always aggravates it. Then when Billyboy and I stopped at WalMart, I ran into a metal rack that was on the back of an SUV. The kind that you stack bikes on and I've also seen people put their ice chests on them. I was looking down to put my keys in my purse and when I looked up, the wind blew my hair in my eyes and I couldn't see. Which is usually when something jumps out in front of me and this time was no exception. I tripped onto the shelf, Bill freaked out because I think he thought I'd fainted or something. My left knee is of course what I hit with. Always! It had a bruise on the left side of it already, from kneeling on the ground and colliding with a rock and now it's probably going to have a bruise on the right side of it.
My doctor tells me that my only option will probably be knee surgery one day, but also that I am to avoid it as long as I possibly can. At the rate I'm going, there won't be anything left of my knee to operate on!
While we were out, before I smashed my knee, we stopped at Ace Hardware and they had the plants I'd been looking for. Moss Rose, which is now in what was formerly my fountain in the rock garden and I also found small Lantana, which are planted in a long planter I had but I probably should have gotten more of it. Otter also finally found a peppermint plant, it's out on the deck with all the rest of the plants, enjoying the rain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea Swimming when I come visit. I can hardly wait. Take care of your knee!!!!!!