Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday De-Cluttering

Or maybe I should have said De-Christmasing!

Saturday morning.

Sunday morning.

Although the sofa table will be covered in pachinko parts very shortly, so there will still be clutter.  But it is Bill's clutter and not mine.  As long as I have space for my current crochet projects on the bottom shelf, I'll be able to tolerate it.  Sort of.  My purse, tote bag and two crochet bags are back in their usual spot in this picture - on the bottom of the sofa table.  One of the crochet bags is a plastic grocery bag that has a pillow form and yarn which will be used to cover it.

Well, I'll try to tolerate it anyway. :)

We had a wonderful Christmas.  We got into our stocking when we all got up, Otter's was stuffed full of candy as she'd hoped.  There was candy in mine and Bill's, but not nearly as much as Otter got.

Grandpa & Sweetie came over, we ate way too much but had a really nice visit.  We haven't seen them too much lately, so there was a lot of visiting to catch up on.

Grandpa bears more than a passing resemblence to Santa Claus, so Otter always tries to find him a Santa ornament.  This year's choice was Santa in a fisherman's outfit.

Sweetie always gives Bill a toy of some sort, usually something really crazy and fun.  She may have outdone herself this year.  She gave him a marshmallow gun.  And a bag of ammunition to go with it!  Bill promptly started shooting marshmallows at everything and everybody.  Frasier immediately went outside.  Maggie, on the other hand, went crazy.  Crazy trying to eat every marshmallow that she could find!  Dog was on Cloud 9, Otter tried to pick up as many as she could before fatbeagle got to them, but I think that Maggie probably had a few.  Well, at least the dog had a good time!

After G & S left, we sat down on the couch to watch a couple of shows we'd taped during the week.  I don't think that anybody actually managed to stay awake, I think we all had afternoon naps on the couch.  We had such a big breakfast that we never actually ate dinner last night.  I had steaks in the fridge, they got put off until today.  They were very good, we just had them.  But last night, nobody had any room so we just snacked a little instead of having an actual meal.

The house has been de-Christmas'ed and is back to normal.  Well, as normal as it gets around here anyway.  Otter took the decorations off the tree, I got the wreath and assorted stuff put away and we both took the Nativity set down.

Including the new piece!  Bill gave me my birthday present early this year.  He found the one piece I needed to complete my set.  He bought me a cow!  There is a joke in there somewhere...

Anyway.  Otter and I had a couple of (shopping) errands today.  We didn't buy much, but she did trade in some of her books to a used book store and we decided that since we had time today we would get the grocery shopping done instead of putting it off.  So I won't have to go grocery shopping on my birthday.

Speaking of birthdays:  TOADLES.  You owe me a phone call tomorrow.  I got your voice mail wishing us Merry Christmas.  But you also mentioned that there is a Motorcycle Birthday coming up.  You should know by know that I DON'T DO SINGLE PRESENTS FOR BOTH AND I DON'T DO SINGLE PHONE CALLS, EITHER!   :)


Alexandra said...

What a fun Christmas! I think we'd like a marshmallow gun as well.

Otter Mom said...

I'd suggest more than one, Otter has foam disc shooter that she defended herself with. It was fun, but I think we'll put the dogs out the next time!