Sunday, December 05, 2010

Sunday Wheezies

This is Wheezy.  He's from Toy Story 2.  He's a squeaky toy penguin.  He's named Wheezy because he has a "condition" that makes him wheeze when exposed to dust.

But today's title is inspired by my wheezy Otter!  She's pretty much over the bug she had earlier in the week, but the asthma is visiting her right now.  Which is the normal pattern.  It's not bad, just bad enough so that she's aware of it.  She's mostly staying inside and has used her inhaler a time or two.  But she's doing ok.  We just haven't had to deal with it in a long time is all.  She didn't sleep too well lastl night and then this morning I told her to go back to bed for a while after she woke up.  We went to church without her and she had been up a few minutes when we got home, she said that the extra rest did seem to help.

Bill's been busy.  Busy in the kitchen.  He's making cookies!  And I've been cleaning up after him, which is a chore in itself.  He is a good cook and he enjoys it.  But he's a tad bit on the messy side.  The cookie exchange where he works is coming up and he's getting ready for it.  He has 3 different types of cookie he likes to make and they are all good.  And that's the problem:  they are all so good!  But not good for me.  So I only eat a few.  At a time. :)

Bill also cut more wood up into smaller pieces and we stacked it.  We've had a fire going pretty much constantly from yesterday morning.  The living room is very warm.  Almost everytime I've walked into the living room, there has been a dog or two parked right in front of the fireplace.

I didn't get much crochet done yesterday.  I have a sore finger, I think I sprained it the other day.  Stacking firewood!  It's the middle finger on my left hand and is the one that holds the stitch in place as I'm making it.  I'm not letting it stop me, it's just slowed me down a little bit.  I finished a row on the afghan and did a few rows on the Dr. Who scarf.  But I have another project planned that I need to get started on (details later, it's a gift) and I'll probably work on it this evening.

Otter and Bill both have two weeks of school/work before they have CHRISTMAS break.  I have 3 weeks, then I'm taking the rest of my vacation the week after Christmas.  We're staying home this time, we've had enough travels for a while.  We don't really like to go anywhere this time of year anyway, too much of a chance to take that we would encounter severe winter weather.  So we'll stay home and just do whatever we feel like at the time.  Also, my birthday is that week.

I've been doing laundry, but I only had 3 loads today.  As opposed to about a million!  When I was home with Otter mid-week, I got caught up with vacation laundry so I didn't have too much this weekend.  Otter and I did get out briefly this morning, she was feeling housebound so she went with me when I went to Wallyworld.  She found a couple of pull over sweaters, she didn't really have enough warm clothing (and still could use more) and they needed to be washed before she wore them so they are in the wash now.

We actually needed our coats this morning.  It was in the mid-20's and breezy.  I'm glad that I bought the new coat, but it fits me looser than it did when I bought it a couple of months back.  That was a surprise.  Although if Bill brings me anymore cookies...

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