Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Sick Day & November Books

Not me, it's Otter's turn to be sick.  She started getting a sore throat last night and didn't feel the best when she went to bed.  She got up this morning with a sore throat that was worse and also a fever.  She can stay by herself most of the time when she's sick, but her fever was coming up fast so I stayed home with her.  She was around 100 degrees all day and her throat was still sore.  I called the doctor and the only opening for today was at 3:45.  So I took that appointment and then about 2:30, her fever broke and she was back down to just a little above normal and feeling much better.  So we cancelled the appointment.  She's not feeling the best this evening, but she's still feeling better than she was earlier.  I made chicken noodle soup for dinner, which always helps.  She's been parked on the couch with a blanket most of the day, and a beagle beside her.

Except for a little while, I finally decided it was time to put out my bird feeders and the dogs always have to help with that chore.  I guess they think that it's their duty.  Their job is to vacuum up any seed that spills on the ground.  They do it well!  After they finished, Maggie resumed her position on the floor next to the couch and her Otter.

I thought that I might have some crochet time today, since I was home with Otter.  NOT!  I had to go up to the school to turn in something that Otter had which was due today, I had to go to the store to get the chicken soup supplies, I cleaned the kitchen, switched out the Thanksgiving table decor for the Christmas stuff and did a few loads of laundry and a few other household chores.  I'm hoping that I can work in a little crochet time tonight.  I did manage to get some done yesterday, in front of the roaring fire Bill built in the fireplace.

OK, books:

1.  Something I forgot the name of, it was by Sandra Dallas and I gave up on it.  The book I read by her in October was really good, but this one wasn't.

2 - 4.  Batman

5.  Finding Serenity by Jane Espensen.  About a tv show called Firefly which was pretty good for sci-fi, but not quite as good as that other sci-fi show that I am obsessed with and use as my measuring stick for all other sci-fi!

6.  Generation T, Beyond Fashion, 120 New Ways to Transform a T-shirt by Megan Nicolay.  This one was on Otter's shelf and I borrowed it.  Interesting ideas.  Quite a few things that Otter has already done, prior to reading this.

7.  Thistle & Twigg by May Saum's.  Odd mystery.  It's a new series and I'll consider reading the next book, but it wasn't spectacular.

8.  Star Wars, the Complete Vader by Ryder Windham and Peter Vilmer.  Yes, I like Star Wars.  I admit it, quite a few Trek fan(atics) don't.  It's a good story.  This was an interesting book.

9.  Stalling for Time, my Life as an FBI Hostage Negotiator by Gary Noesner.  OK, could have been better written and I felt like he left a lot of details out that would have helped.

10.  GI Joe & Lillie by Joseph S. Bonsall of the Oak Ridge Boys.  This was ok, I think I skimmed it as opposed to detail reading.

11.  Skein of the Crime by Maggie Sefton.  One of the ways to spot a serious yarn addiction is when someone reads a book just because it has a yarn-related connection!  I'm very much there, by the way.  This was actually the latest book in a series.  It's about a knitter and a lot of it takes place in a yarn shop.  It's not the best written book series, but it is fun.  I decided that since I'd read this one, I probably should read the other books in the series so I requested them from the library and have been reading my way through them.

12.  This Time Together, Laughter and Reflection by Carol Burnett.  She is gifted, simply gifted.

13.  Spoken From the Heart by Laura Bush.  This one is on the list in November because I started it, but it's December and I still haven't finished it!  Part of that is because we were gone for a week and I forgot to take it with me.  It's good and is very detailed.

14.  Knit One, Kill Two by Maggie Sefton.  See # 11.

15.  Needled to Death by Maggie Sefton.

16.  A Deadly Yarn by Maggie Sefton.

17.  A Killer Stitch by Maggie Sefton.

Froggy, you might enjoy the books by Maggie Sefton.  The first book on December's list is the next one in the series, I think that there are one or two more and then I'm caught up.

I think that Bill made a really good decision to buy the wood from the lumber mill.  It's hard wood and it burns well, slowly and not too smoky.  It also smells wonderful!  And it made very good 'smores, although my marshmallows were getting old.  But they were still 'smores, so they were good.  :)

And now, with any luck, I'm going to go find my yarn and hook and get busy.


Anonymous said...

I read all the books by Maggie Sefton. My reading in November was a lot of plant books and quilt patterns. I also read some bird id books. Froggy

Anonymous said...

I also had the crud. We had homemade chicken and rice. It tasted even better the second day when I could taste the food. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I picked up the remaining 2 Sefton books today, I'll probably read them this weekend. They are quick reads.

Otter is much better although she stayed home again today (Thursday). But now I'm remembering one of the Laws of Motherhood: what the kid gets, Mom gets! I've been fighting a sore throat all day.

Otter Mom said...

Froggy, chicken & rice sounds really good.

Alexandra said...

Glad Otter is on the mend. I'm waiting to get the Kindle to do more reading. I do a lot of reading online. Right now I'm working my way through the Bible again...enjoying all the Old Testament history. PBS had an awesome special on archeological findings referenced in the Bible. It was interesting to see Solomon's mines and the caves where David hid from Saul.

I read a lot of history and historical fiction - ancient through middle ages.