Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I started trying to lose my voice yesterday.  I have had a little congestion and allergy symptoms for the last couple of days, but yesterday afternoon my voice got kind of wonky.  I also have had a sore throat, not horrible but still painful.  I woke up this morning with hardly any voice at all so I stayed home.  I'm not feeling 100% but my voice is a little better this evening.  Not a lot better, just better.

Otter came over this afternoon, she didn't have a lot of laundry but she wanted to get it done while she could.  Maggie Moo was overjoyed to see her, as usual.  Frasier was very affectionate towards her, he's a sweet-natured dog and loves Otter but he was much more interested in getting her attention today than he usually is.

Frasier was a little clingy this morning and I didn't think he was in pain, but I thought he was a little uncomfortable so I gave him an anti-inflammatory.  I've been giving them to him for the last couple of days again, he seems to need them when it's cold and/or rainy.  Which it's been the last few days.  They don't make him quite as sleepy and stoned as the pain pills seem to, but they do make him a little drowsy.  He spent the next few hours snoozing at my feet, I put a little bit of my afghan over him and he wiggled until he was underneath most of it - I think he likes the warmth over his arthritic hips.

I'll decide in the morning about work tomorrow.  My throat is getting more sore this evening but I did talk more than I intended to today, when Otter was over.  She had several things she needed to talk about and we had a pretty nice visit - when she could actually hear me, that is!  She and J are working on their cosplay and they have some really good ideas.

OK, back to my oj and maybe a snack.

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