Sunday, April 12, 2015


It is officially Spring for us today.  I know it's been Spring for a few weeks now, but it's not official for us (me mostly) until this:

gets taken off the bed and replaced with this:

(I can't find an actual picture of the camo quilt on the bed, although I know I have at least one and have posted it before.)

The other picture choice for the camo quilt was this one:

Otter had on purple socks that day, otherwise she really would be invisible like the sign she's holding up says!

Otter came over yesterday for a short visit - she did laundry and we went to Hobby Lobby.  But she wasn't wearing camo so we could see her!  :)

Froggy, I didn't see your comment on the bluebonnet post until I signed in to post this.  Blogger is supposed to tell me when there is a comment, and sometimes it actually does.  Just not this time.

I really don't have a lot to talk about today, but Froggy will get on me if I don't post something. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so true. I will complain if you don't post often,