Friday, April 03, 2015

Still Here!

No, I have not fallen off the side of the Earth.  It's just been a chaotic week.  I'm not really sure that it's not actually still Monday, it's been that kind of a week.
At the moment, I am arguing with our new insurance company.  They took out the April premium like they were supposed to, after we signed up last Sunday.  I spent Monday through yesterday trying to get my online access set up and they finally got that figured out for me last night.  I was finally able to print temporary id cards in case we need to use the insurance before the actual id cards come.
Then I discovered that they took out ANOTHER premium for April yesterday.  Which has caused all sorts of issues with my bank.  I had a "nice" talk with the insurance rep on the phone at 9:30 last night.  Not quite at *RHTW level, but very close to it.  She (the rep) was going to hand-carry the file to the correct department to get them to refund us immediately, as opposed to them sending a check to us in a few days.  She is supposed to call me this afternoon with the status on that.  At which time I'm going to tell her that they also owe me for the fees my bank charged me because the checking account didn't have enough funds to cover their premium - we had enough in the savings account so that the bank was able to transfer and nothing bounced, but the bank still charges us for that.

I also had a very long conversation with the benefits department because I keep getting a different story on what prescription benefit we have.  I think that's finally figured out.  Then I had to talk to them about some other issues, all involving benefits and what exactly we have.

Then I was transferred to the department that handles the premiums and cancelled the auto pay.  I'll call them each month and make the payment, they've already had there one and only chance with us on that.  I don't do "three strikes and you're out" on most things.

I'm not naming names, but they have a color and a Christian symbol in their name.

Also happening today is the cable company coming out to bury the internet cable, which has been strewn across the back yard for several weeks.  They were scheduled to be out there today, and they said that it would probably be in the morning.  Bill took the day off from work for this.  At about 11:00 or so, he called me because they still weren't there.  I called the cable company and had about a half-hour conversation with the tech department.  That isn't even the correct department, but it's who I finally was transferred to.  The tech guy went "over and above" as far as I'm concerned, he did everything he could to find someone to talk to for me and then he was told it would be "maybe tomorrow."  By this point, *RHTW was attempting to break down the fence.  (She's not out of the gate yet, but She's possibly going to be breaking through when the insurance company calls me back.)  Anyway, I told him that Bill had taken the day off for this and that we'd already been waiting weeks.  He made another call and finally got the crew that is actually burying lines today.  They promised that it would be today, I'm not sure what he told them but I don't think he was too polite to them.

I'm just glad it's finally Friday.

*RHTW.  Run for the hills if She gets loose!

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