Monday, July 20, 2015

Adjusting Monday

It was odd at work today.  Younger Boss got there before I did, and he was attempting to go through all his mail, etc., from last week.  Around 10:45 or so, we both realized that we were waiting for the phone to ring and it be the Teenager on the other end to let us know he was ready to come in.  Younger Boss's son had lunch with him today, which was nice.  When Younger Boss came back from lunch, I found myself waiting for the Teenager to come in after him.

It was that way all day.  I guess it will be for a while.

Younger Boss found a really nice portrait of the Teenager which we put in his office.  We aren't making any changes to his office, at least not for a long while. Maybe not ever, actually.

The phone is still ringing fairly constantly with condolence calls.  Cards are starting to arrive in the mail and most of them have notes about funny stuff the Teenager did.  Such as walking into an acquaintance's office during a meeting - while wearing a turban and pretending to be a sultan.  Which was greeted with lots and lots of laughter.  That's the kind of crazy stuff he did.  He was very charming and truly joy-filled.

I had to take some stuff to Otter after work today.  She showed me some of the pictures they took at TNT over the weekend.  They had a lot of fun.  They were all exhausted, but they are already planning next year's cosplay.  She says that it will probably be something without makeup.  Even though she uses good-quality makeup, her skin reacts to it and she is lucky to be able to wear it for 4 or 5 hours.  She took it off about half way through Saturday, some of their friends had a room in the hotel that hosted TNT and they gave her their room key so she could go take a shower and get all the makeup off, but even with that she has some zits breaking out.  She has very good skin, it's just extremely sensitive to things.  She gets that from me.  But other than that, she really enjoyed herself.  She wore some of her Lolita style dresses on Friday and Sunday.  She wore one of her wigs on Sunday, the white/blonde one and it looked really cute on her.

We had a little rain this afternoon.  When I was on the way to Otter's apartment, it looked really bad with lots of strong lightning.  It was moving fairly quickly and not tornadic, but the clouds were dark and heavy.  It skirted by where she lives, it went between there and our house.  The area it covered got a lot of rain in a short period of time, but we didn't get too much.  We got some rain, which is good.  Just not a lot of it.  It could be rainy the next couple of days.

Maggie is snoozing, she's curled up in her bed and I think she might have hiccups.  She's so silly, but she's such a sweet little fluffbutt.  Beagles are a lot of fun.

There was more, but I'm tired.

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