Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Just Wednesday Stuff

Read this fantastic article that brings joy to TEXANS everywhere:

New Arrivals!

(By the way, real TEXANS do not call them horned lizards.  We know what they are really called.)

I found my WIP scrap blanket that I started months ago.  I put it aside because I am using end pieces of yarn and I ran out.  But I've acquired more as I finish projects, if there isn't much yarn left it gets tossed into the tote bag holding the blanket and then it will get crocheted on to the blanket.  I have several small yarn balls now, and I've been working on the blanket here and there as I get projects done.

This is so me.  The reason I dragged out the WIP scrap blanket is because I was taking a break on a cap I was making for Otter!

Froggy, this is just for you!


Anonymous said...

Thank you. Of course it had to be a frog. Love the picture. I do it all the time with quilting projects and then I wonder why some never get finished.
Horney Toads I love them.


Anonymous said...

Nag nag nag. Its been a while since you blogged. Froggy