Sunday, August 02, 2015

Stuff Happens

Such as life!  Froggy, I've kind of had my hands full but here:

The girls are moved.  The apartment office had the keys changed for them at 10:00 and the internet guy showed up at the same time to move their modem from the old apartment to the new one.  Once they had access to the new apartment, J started moving some of their stuff.  Bill got off at 11:00 and headed straight over there.  He and J started taking beds apart and moving them.  I left work at 11:30, and ran by Little Ceasar's pizza to bring lunch over there.  Bill was working on getting the beds assembled again starting with Otter's because she was there by then.  Then Roomie got home, so she decided how she wanted her furniture arranged, so he got her bed put together and then we basically got out of the way so he could get her other furniture moved.  All that was left at that point was the closet, which was quick to empty, and a few misc. boxes of things that had been packed from the bathroom and linen closet.  They have a hall/coat closet now, which they didn't have before but really needed.  Bill and Otter figured out where to put her workbench in the dining room.  I unpacked and shelved their foodstuffs on their shelf they use as a pantry.  Bill left after he finished the furniture, I was only there a short time after that because the only thing was left was unpacking boxes and figuring out where Otter and Roomie wanted to put things

Yesterday, (Saturday), the plan was that we would clean the old apartment up after Roomie got home from work since Otter's shift at work was early morning.  I had a couple of errands to run, including going to Wallyworld to get a couple of floor lamps for Otter.  She headed over to our house to get the coffee table, and that is when the plans de-railed.  Bill was mowing when they got there, he sent them on inside and then he realized that there was a very large puddle under Otter's car.  And it was growing.  He looked at it and realized that her radiator had sprung a leak.  After I got home, Bill and I went to the auto parts store and got her a new radiator.  Then I took Otter and J back to the apartment and we cleaned the old one up.  It didn't take that long, it was a one bedroom apartment and they aren't really slobs.  I cleaned the kitchen sink and Otter cleaned the rest of the kitchen.  The stove and refrigerator were moved to the new apartment with them, so that was less to clean.  She cleaned the bathroom, I helped a little but she did most of that job.  J ran the vacuum and then he also mopped the kitchen floor.  We all headed back to our house at that point.  Since her car had to be cold for Bill to work on it, I sent Otter and J (and the coffee table!) home in my car.

Bill worked on Otter's car today and replaced the radiator.  The neighbor (the nice one) is a part-time mechanic and he came over to help before he had to go somewhere.  Then Grandpa showed up and he really helped Bill a lot.  Bill bought full-strength anti-freeze when we got the radiator and it needed to be mixed with distilled water.  Grandpa ran me up to wallyworld so get it, when we got back Bill and the neighbor were working on getting the engine support arms reattached, then it was just a matter of refilling the radiator.  Bill checked the transmission fluid while he was letting the car warm up enough to start the water circulating in the radiator, then he added a little fluid to it.  He test drove the car, then I took it to Otter at work and got mine back from her.  She won't need to drive it much the next couple of days, then she'll bring it back for Bill to check again and see if it needs any more anti-freeze/water added.

In other Otter news, she had her annual review at work today.  It was very good.  The boss said that she's doing everything right - and then he gave her a pretty good raise!  She was happy about that.  Especially since she now has higher rent!

Happy now, Froggy?  :)

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