Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Still Looking (Edited)

We met with the associate pastor at the church we've been attending.  We had a few questions and she was very willing to answer them.  After the visit, we've decided that we need to keep looking.  We are going to visit one of the other United Methodist churches in the area and see what we think.  There are a few big issues and we agreed on most of them, but there was one in particular - does the specific church view the Bible as literal?  It was the first question and nearly the last one, because the answer was no.  It's a big one as far as we are concerned, there were a few other things we didn't really like so we are not going to continue visiting this particular church.  (EDIT:  I think the work"real" would be better than literal to describe the Bible.  And if the pastor doesn't think it's real, then why is he/she even in that position?)

Since it's Tuesday, it's fajita night at El Chico so we stopped for dinner on the way home.  We got there at the perfect time, they weren't crowded at all but they were getting that way fast by the time we finished our meal.

I've been wondering if I might be on the verge of a sinus infection the last day or so.  I'm at that point where it might be, but it might not be and I won't know for a day or so.  Or a few days.  It's at the point where if it is, it will continue to develop.  But if not, then I don't want to go to the doctor for antibiotics that I don't need.  But there were two yogurt coupons in the paper the other day...

Froggy, I knew you would like the TEXAS clock.  The bluebonnets are hand painted.  It was special from the moment the Teenager gave it to me, but now it means even more to us.

Cue Twilight Zone music:  Yesterday, Maggie literally herded a cricket to me.  As in she chased it but wasn't trying to eat it - however she was very obvious that her intent was to bring it to me.  Then, she turned around and walked over to where the bug jar is kept and stared at it very intently.  Then she turned around and stared at me intently, then back to the jar and then back at the bug.  At that point, I realized that she had made the connection with bugs in the house being caught in the bug jar and put out.  She was quite happy when I picked up the bug jar and caught the cricket and then she walked to the back door and waited for me.  She walked out on the deck with me and watched me dump the bug out, then she turned around and came back in.  It's a scary moment when the beagle does something smart!  :)

Tomorrow's high temperature is in the low 70's!   Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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