Monday, August 03, 2015

It's Summer, So That Means...

Another possible skin cancer for Billyboy!

And I was just thinking the other day that maybe he would miss this summer, because had no sign of anything.  Then a couple of days ago, he brought to my attention the fact that he has a small spot on his nose that is coming up exactly like the big one he had removed from his nose 2 years ago.  But this time he's admitting that it might be an issue now, when it first showed up, as opposed to waiting months and months (while it got bigger and bigger) before admitting the maybe/possibly/there was a slim chance/probably wasn't a skin cancer - and the delay caused by his denial turned a small procedure into a Very Big Deal.  I called the dermatologist today and he has an appointment on Friday afternoon.  He's taking the day off, I'm taking the afternoon off.  It probably is another one, but it's still small so (hopefully) it won't be a big deal.  It's on the right side of his nose, the one before was more in the middle, but it is close to his eye so it might be a bit tricky.  I told him to be sure and let me know in plenty of time what kind of alcohol he wants me to buy for him before Friday!

Please Please PLEASE wear sunscreen.  And stay out of the sun as much as you can.  Wear a hat, keep the back of your neck covered and wear a t-shirt if you have to.  Teach your kids that sunscreen is a sacred ritual and enforce it.

It's not fun, and I'm only on the outside of it looking in.  But I know what Bill has had to go through.  Too many times and probably more in the future.

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