Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I thought I'd make it to work today.  But then I walked the Magginator and realized shortly after we started out just how tired I was.  So I called in.  We finished the walk - she really needs a walk on a daily basis if possible, she's like a kid and doesn't care if Mom isn't feeling quite up to par, then we came back home and I have been parked on the couch for most of the day.

With company, too.  It's Bill's turn!  He was home today and might be tomorrow as well.  I'm going in tomorrow and I'll just see how I do, I'd like to make the day but I'm not going to  worry about that right now.  Younger Boss said he really didn't know of anything that I absolutely had to be there for, and not to come in until I felt like it.  But I have to do paychecks sometime between now and Monday, so I'm thinking I'm at least going to be there long enough to do the checks.  After that, we'll just see.

Since Bill was home with me today, I actually made lunch.  It's mostly just been whatever I could find in the fridge this week.  I had a package of minestrone soup mix in the pantry, I keep it on hand for times when I don't want to cook, and we had that for lunch today.  It was pretty good, not very spicy but it has a good tomato-y flavor.  Bear Creek brand, Big Lots carries a lot of their items and they generally have better prices on most of their mixes.

Today is National Dog Day.  Maggie Moo celebrated by pouncing into her bed, scooting around until she'd kicked her pillow out, then jumping out of the bed and scooting herself until she was underneath the pillow.  Then she went to sleep!

This is from a few years back, one day Maggie Moo decided she needed a nap and she got up into Otter's bed.  This is how we found her, she got into this spot/position on her own:

And because I will never forget my special boy, King Frasier!:

I really miss him, but I know we did the right thing.  He was just a very special dog and there will never be another one like him.

Bill saw a commercial earlier in the week.  Tomorrow is 50 cent corndog day at Sonic.  Guess I'm not cooking dinner tomorrow night!

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