Thursday, August 27, 2015

It Must Be A Slow News Day

Because the first 15 minutes of the noon news today consisted of shots of the rain hitting a driveway and a parking lot!  I'm not exaggerating.  So exciting!


I went to work this morning but I was still feeling iffy and very tired.  Maggie Moo still got her walk, she is like a kid and doesn't understand that Mom doesn't feel good (and also she needs to get a little exercise as well as getting some of her energy expelled!) so we took a short walk.  She did get to say hello to one of the neighborhood kids as he was waiting at the bus stop, so the fact that it was a shorter than normal walk didn't seem to occur to her.

I left about 10:00, I only went in because I had to do paychecks and also pay a few bills such as electric bills for the oil leases.  Younger Boss is not feeling too good himself and he also said that his wife has been fighting this bug for days and days.  I know several people who have had it recently or have it now.  Otter has been warned to stay FAR AWAY from us for a few days.

It is 50-cent corndog day at Sonic, so I did get out once after I got home.  Bill needed his corndogs!  He had them for lunch and he kept some back for dinner tonight.  He called in today, since he apparently felt left out and came down with the bug I have.  He was home yesterday.  He's not sure yet about tomorrow, he'll decide in the morning.  At this point, I'm not inclined to think about going in to work tomorrow but I'll see how I feel in the morning as well.

I managed to get a little crochet done on Otter's poncho.  I've been trying to work on it all week, but I just never quite got around to it because I simply wasn't feeling good.  I might work on it some more today.  It's actually a fast pattern and I'm enjoying it.

This is just because I thought it was cute:

I love Dr. Who, but let's face it:  Star Trek beats them all!

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