Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Still Bugged

I went to bed before 9:00 last night and it was still hard to wake up this morning.  I felt better but not the best.  I had an appointment to get new tires and an oil change, the plan was to drop my car off and then borrow Otter's car so I could go on to work (I told her I'd give her lunch money!)  I was going to bring her car back on my lunch hour and pick my car up - the car repair place is in the same shopping center as her store.  I went to the post office before dropping the car off because I was way too early, as usual.  And that's when I realized that my throat was really sore and I was beginning to feel bad again.  So, I dropped the car off then walked across to get Otter's car.  I called in and came on home.  They said it would probably be about 2 hours, but they called me about a hour and a half later to tell me the car was ready.  I went back up there, parked Otter's car in their employees parking area and walked back across to get my car.  It was actually less than I expected for four 70,000 mile tires and an oil change.  I've been back on my couch for the most part since I got home.

There's been a beagle at my feet, snoozing, for the last few hours.  Yesterday, she alternated between one of her 2 beds, pillow in the laundry room, blankets in the living room and underneath the futon in the guest/craft/YARN/front room.  But today she's mostly been on her bed in the living room or at my feet.  What can I say, dog's lazy.  And spoiled!

I normally go see Miss Dorothy on Wednesday mornings, but I asked Younger Boss to call and let her know that I don't think I should go see her tomorrow.  I'm planning on going in, but I'm pretty sure that this is a bug and not an allergy, the last thing any of us want is to get Miss Dorothy sick.  I'll probably see her later on in the week.

Bill was planning on getting firewood this week, but it might actually be next week before he gets any.  He had something to do after work yesterday and tomorrow he's going to meet someone at the booth about a machine.  We are going to close out the booth so we have to get the machines out, which he might be planning on starting tomorrow instead of waiting until the weekend.  Or maybe not, I don't think he's made up his mind.  He has several machines needed attention, but he has had to spend several days recreating part of his websites because the web host goofed up and quite a bit of it was deleted - they apologized, but that doesn't help much.  He still had to miss several days of his sites being available.  Along with accidentally deleting things, there backup files were either deleted or corrupted - depending on which person he talked to.  Talk about frustrating!  All three sites are back up and running, but there are probably still a lot of things that need to be added back as he has time.

But since it was actually cold enough that I needed a jacket this morning, I think he'd better find time to get firewood soon!  We might just need it early.

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