Friday, August 28, 2015

Tired Friday

I'll be glad when this bug is gone.  Whatever it is.  It's apparently making the rounds and it seems to be happy about it.  Ugh.

I didn't even attempt to go in today.  I thought about it, but I knew when I woke up that I was still to draggy although I am slowly getting over it.  Bill did go to work, he wasn't feeling too good the last couple of days but I don't think he had the bug after all.  He probably has been having allergy issues.

I did get out.  Maggie Moo made sure she got her walk this morning (and then I also had to go to the post office.)  Maggie Moo was determined that she get taken out to prance around the neighborhood.  I was sitting on the couch and she wiggled around until she was between my legs and the couch.  Then she flipped over until she was on her back and her back legs were against my legs.  Then she proceeded to start kicking my left leg with her back legs.  Over and over and over and over to infinity and beyond.  I know she was trying to get me to take her out because the second I stood up, she flew to the door and bounced up and down in front of the leash hook.  Brat!  She was quite happy to get out the door, she sniffed as much as she could and visited as many blades of grass as she could.  When we got home, as soon as I got her harness off she hightailed it down the hall so she could get underneath my bed for her next nap.  Brat again!

I parked on the couch for a couple of hours, then I decided to get my post office trip out of the way.  I also had to stop at the bank and I remembered I needed to get something at the grocery store so I hit wallyworld with the intention of a quick run-in/run-out but I should have realized that even at 10:30 or so in the morning, Friday is not a quick day at Wallyworld!  I only had a few things to get but it took me 45 minutes.  I was tired before I got there and I was exhausted when I got through!

I talked to Younger Boss today, he said that his wife is still fighting it herself.  She has actually had to deal with it for about 3 weeks.  I was feeling iffy starting the middle of last week but I thought it was allergies.  Now, I don't think it was although my allergies might have compounded it.

I did manage to get the dishwasher run and a load of laundry washed but it's still in the dryer and will probably stay there until at least tomorrow.  There were 5 or 6 dishes in the sink that don't go in the dishwasher, I managed to get them washed but they are not put away yet.  I was planning on doing some crochet work on Otter's poncho but I got stuck into a book instead and had a very restful afternoon.

I really want to sleep in tomorrow.  We have to get the machines out of the booth by Monday evening, the plan was originally to move them tomorrow or Sunday.  That's non-negotiable, so I guess we'll figure out a game plan for them.

A place to put them all, however - that might take some time.  I have a sinking feeling that my living room is about to become a (better be temporary!) storage place for them!

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