Tuesday, April 05, 2011

It Was Otter's Turn Today

Allergies!  We can't seem to dodge them, this time of year.  Otter's been fighting hers for a few days and the wind is not helping.  She has been taking benadryl at night for the last couple of nights.  This morning, she woke up feeling cruddy.  So she took a benadryl and went back to bed.  Where she stayed most of the day.  I went to work, she was fine by herself.  And she had two doggies to look after her.  She's feeling a lot better this evening, but she's still got the allergy issue to deal with.  However, she will probably be back at school tomorrow.

She did manage to get out of the house for a few minutes.  We had a local election, so I picked her up after work and we went to vote.  We also stopped at Wallyworld and got milk as well as a rotiserie (sp?) chicken from their deli.  The chicken was dinner tonight.  I had a filling lunch from the so-called Chinese place by work and Bill went to lunch with some people he works with and had (not the best) Mexican food.  Otter had chicken noodle soup for lunch but she doesn't have much of an appetite when her allergies are acting up.  So I got a deli chicken and dismembered it.  Bill and I made wrap sandwiches with it, Otter's portion is on a foil-covered plate in the fridge for whenever she decides she's hungry.  The next time I decide to make chicken salad, I'll probably just buy a deli chicken instead of cooking one myself.  There isn't much of a price difference, actually, and it would already be cooked so it would save time.

We've been looking for chairs for the back deck.  We have plastic adirondack chairs that we've had for several years and we've enjoyed using them.  We spend a lot of time out there in the spring & summer.  But, after many years of being used and then left outside to freeze/thaw/freeze/thaw/etc., they are starting to break.  We decided to go with wooden ones this time.  The hardware store we like had some nice ones on their website, sturdy and not too expensive.  We went up to the store while ago, but they don't have them in stock yet.  So we ordered them off of the website.  I'm not sure how long the delivery will take, we're having them delivered to the store and I'm not sure if they are assembled or not.  I think they are, but I'm not sure.  But it will be nice to have chairs that I'm not afraid of landing on the ground in!

(Otter reported that her chicken was very good.  She had it with potato chips and ketchup, so I think her appetite is returning).

It did get to freezing last night.  Our area was 29 degrees this morning.  But it didn't feel like it was that cold.  It was nice this afternoon, sunny and around 70.  We are going to have a couple of nice days with more rain chances this weekend.

Hope we get rain, we could sure use it.  We could see smoke from grass fires from the house this afternoon.  Not a comforting sight!


Anonymous said...

I think the new chairs are a great idea. How expensive are the rotisserie chickens? They are very expensive here-about $7. I just buy the chicken and cook it at home. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

The chicken is around $4 or $5, about what a raw bird in the size I buy would cost.