Wednesday, April 13, 2011

W(h)ine Wednesday

I haven't whined in a while, and it is Wednesday so I felt like it was a good title.  Actually, I'm not whining.  But I am tired.  I guess I could complain about that, that could be considered whining.

I think I'm going to go have a glass of wine and put my feet up.  They are ouchy for some reason.

Otter has a homework assignment for cooking class.  She has to create a casserole recipe and cook it for us.  I have to take a picture of her cooking it, as well as a picture of it after she's served it.  Then we have to write a paragraph about it which she will turn in along with the pictures and printed copy of the recipe.  She's got a few ideas, she's been cooking since she was small so it shouldn't be a problem for her.  She has to create her own recipe, she can't use one from a book or even from a family member.  It has to be original.  It won't be a problem for her.  I will post the recipe on the cooking blog after she's turned the assignment in at school.  Bill suggested that it have an ingredient also known as beagle, but that suggestion went over like a ton of bricks.

I still haven't gotten the hummingbird food mixed up!  I forgot about it yesterday, I was going to get it done after I showered all the allergens off but I got sidetracked.  Hopefully, I will remember it tonight.  Don't want the birds coming after me!

There's a yellow jacket, or possibly a hornet, starting a nest on the front porch.  We discovered it yesterday while we were outside playing in the yard with the weeds and Bill's going to take care of it this evening.  So far, there is just one insect on it and the nest is small.  But it needs to be gone.  We generally leave insects alone, except for spiders which have to be taken outside or the beagle will eat them, but not when they a) have stingers and b) are very close to the door.

Speaking of insects and beagles, there was a mayfly in the living room yesterday morning.  You know, big and look like mosquitos.  They are harmless, they don't even have mouths and I forget what they are the end life cycle of.  The one in question was flying low, right at beagle eye-level.  Dog went crazy trying to find it, she saw it once and then it got out of her sight.  She kept looking around for it, she wanted to catch it.  She gave up on it after a few minutes.  Then it appeared again, Maggie almost flew through the air herself, from one side of the living room to the other, and snatched it out of the air.  She didn't kill it, but she did wing it.  She opened her mouth and it more or less flew out, but it didn't get very far.  As soon as it landed, stupiddog smushed it - with the top of her head!  Then she tried to roll on it, but she kept missing it.  There is a reason why she gets called stupiddog!  She had a good time with it, although it got picked up and thrown away pretty quick.  It was really funny.

Frasier's latest thing is to wait until somebody is petting Maggie, then he will nonchalantly mosey over and lie down.  On top of Maggie.  She gets squashed against the floor or the couch on a regular basis.  Frasier always looks so pleased when he manages to trap her.

OK, still nothing to whine about!  Guess I'll have to try harder.  Maybe next time.


Anonymous said...

I will whine for both of us. One hour to get to work and one hour to get home from work. The people I work with are a lot of fun, but sitting in front of a computer all day long is not fun. Especially in a room full of people all in front of a computer and no windows. If you don't score with enough accuracy or fast enough you can get fired. SO there is a lot of stress. I think that is enough whining for now. Froggy

Alexandra said...

I'll whine too! ;) The pollen has been awful, making us red eyed and sleepy. The house is full of it from the kiddos going in and out, and the cat bringing it in on his fur. I keep cleaning only to see it appear again within a few hours!Thankfully, the trees are beginning to leaf out - the end of the pollen is near. And Palm Sunday is this week. Hosanna!

Otter Mom said...

It hardly seems possible that Easter is almost here.