Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Still Only Tuesday!

But it feels like it should at least be Thursday.  Just one of those weeks, I guess.
Bill has decided that he is going to the dermatologist on Thursday.  He had been thinking that it might be best to wait until the plastic surgeon could see him, but that would be at least the end of October and probably later than that.  He was concerned that the spot would continue to grow, which is probably would, and that it would be as big as it was or even bigger.  So, he decided to keep the Thursday morning appointment with the dermatologist.  It's going to take at least an hour and it's not going to be fun.  But it is necessary.  I'm taking Thursday off and going with him.
Otter and I are getting our flu shots Friday.  We think that Bill will have definitely earned some of our traditional post-flu-shot ice cream!  Which I might get at Braums, in case you are interested Froggy!
In the meantime, we've been working on the trellises.  Yesterday, Bill set the middle posts in.  Today, he installed the top bar pieces.  Tomorrow, we'll go get the lattice pieces and attach them.  Then it will be ready for me to plant my honeysuckle starts and let them do their thing.  He might also get the wooden frame assembled to hold the new rain barrel but I'm not sure when he's going to get the rain gutter hooked up to actually put it in place.
Bill got some cuttings of trumpet vine today.  It's now happily (I hope) rooting in a plastic coffee can filled with rain water.  I'm going to order the crepe myrtle soon, but I'm not sure when.  They won't actually be delivered until after November 1st.
Froggy, I already mentioned this to you.  There was a toad in the dog's outside water dish yesterday morning.  I was dumping the water out so I could rinse out their dish as it was getting green.  After I took the bricks out, which are there for frogs so that they don't drown, there was a little hopper looking up at me.  It hopped out and went underneath the rain barrel.  I refilled the water dish and replaced the bricks.  Last night, the toad was on the front porch (Froggy, I think I told you it was the back porch) and was sitting underneath the light.  The light was on and it was bringing bugs by the billions.  As a result, we had a happy frog!  This morning, it was back in the dog's water dish.  I'm pretty sure it's the same one each time.  And it's really a toad, not a frog - they are not the same animal although they are related.  They're very welcome, by the way.  They eat lots and bugs and that's fine with me!
I had an interesting bird sighting yesterday.  It was coming in for a landing on an electric wire and the wire actually sagged - but then that is probably expected when an eagle lands on it!  It didn't stay long, it turned around and took off across a field.  It went pretty low and just skimmed the ground.  I think it got something, it looked like it had something in it's claws.  Today was hummingbirds, there were two and they were not willing to share any of the three feeders I refilled this afternoon.  Hummingbirds are fairly common, but eagles are not.  We've seen them before, but not often.
We also saw one of Lovely Neighbor's hairless cats yesterday.  It was out in her front yard, Otter went to the door to let her know but she said she already knew.  I guess she's quit blaming her daughter for letting her expensive cats out.  At least it didn't come over to my yard, Frasier would probably have done what he's known for and I don't think that we would have been responsible.  That was one UGLY cat.  Ugly with a capital UG!  The words "Butt Ugly" just about describe it.

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