Friday, August 30, 2013

Sick Weekend. Maybe.

Otter and I got our flu shots this afternoon.  We thought about putting it off, but Bill seems to be doing better.  So we decided to go ahead and get the shots.  I figure that Bill isn't going to be up for anything big or going anywhere for a couple of days, so it's probably as good a time as any for what has become known as Sick Weekend for me.  We got the shots a little after 5:00.  My arm starting feeling ouchie pretty quick, but the Wave didn't hit me as soon as last year.  It was about 45 minutes later, as we were waiting at El Chico for the fajitas we'd ordered.  And it wasn't as strong.  It's not quite 7:00 yet, and I'm really just beginning to feel it.  I hope that means a mild reaction this year!  We'll see, I guess.
There was a fellow TEXAN in the store where we got our shots.  I have no doubt of his nationality even though I didn't get a chance to talk to him.  First clue:  the t-shirt with a specific Davy Crockett quote "you can all go to he__ and I will go to TEXAS" but the 2nd clue really nailed it.  He had a tattoo.  A large one, above one ankle.  It was a specific state shape with lots of colors.  I'm sure nobody has to ask which STATE it was!  Like someone said once, TEXANS ain't subtle! :)  And we make no apologies about that, either.
Bill took a pain pill last night but he hasn't needed any today.  He has to sleep sitting up tonight and tomorrow night, then he should be safe to actually lie down.  I made him a nest on the couch last night with several blankets, a sheet and lots of pillows.  He slept all night, except for the brief time when Frasier apparently realized that there was someone on the couch and had to go investigate, but he was much more rested this morning than he expected to be.  Before I left for work this morning,  brought in a small folding table and put the current pachinko getting refurbished on it.  It's just at the right height so that he didn't have to bend over and he spent most of the day sitting on the couch working on the machine.  And watching Starship Troopers Animated Series dvd's.  His incision/stitches are swollen and reddish but not bad.  I think that they are at the point they should be.  I put the ointment on him just now.  His right eyelid is red and slightly swollen, but that could be because one of the stitches is rubbing up against it when he blinks.
Otter was home all morning, she went to a friend's house this afternoon so I came home at lunch to check on Bill.  But he's doing so much better than we expected, and I'm just glad.  He said that the incisions are starting to itch, so he's glad he has the pachinko machines to keep his hands busy.
I'm starting to feel cruddy now, so I think it's time to go park on the couch.

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