Sunday, September 01, 2013

Middle of a Long Weekend

Too tired to think of a good title!
I am actually not having a bad reaction to the flu shot.  But I am definitely having a reaction.  I'm mostly just tired.  Very tired, in fact.  But not all the time.  About 11:00 yesterday morning, I suddenly could hardly stand because I was so tired.  So I took a nice nap and it helped immensely.  Today was similar, although it was about 2:00 when the nap fairy visited me.  I'm sure that part of it is stress.  I've had slightly stronger allergy symptoms but not bad.  Otter has had more of a reaction than she normally has, but hers is similar to mine - tiredness and some allergy issues, but hers is not as strong as mine is.  She worked yesterday and today, she managed to get through both days but was more tired than normal.  Everybody is off tomorrow, and I think we're all hoping the dogs will let us sleep in!
Bill's doing pretty well.  I can tell that the skin is beginning to knit at the incision sites, the stitches still look pretty grody but I think that's normal.  Each time he takes a shower, they look better.  His eye lid discoloration developed into a black eye but that's a lot better as well.  He has been sleeping sitting up on the couch since Thursday night.  He took a nap on the couch yesterday, laying down but propped up somewhat.  He said that he felt a little pressure in the surgery area, so he was back to sitting up for the rest of his nap and also last night.  He tried laying down for a little while on the couch today, so see if it worked ok.  He thinks he will try to sleep in bed tonight, but we're going to make his nest on the couch in case he isn't able to.  That way, he'll just have to bring his pillows to the couch.  He's had some swelling of his feet, due to the fact that he's been sleeping sitting and isn't able to prop them up much.  But in general, he is doing very well.
We aren't doing anything big for Labor Day.  We usually grill something, but we're having a low-key day this year.  Bill really doesn't need to be out in the sun standing over a hot grill!  We had chili dogs tonight, and we'll still have burgers tomorrow.  It's just that everything is being cooked on the stove.
I keep thinking that Labor Day weekend last year was the beginning of a very bad time with Frasier.  We had his surgery on Friday of Labor Day weekend, and we spent the next several weeks dealing with a dog whose mental state was bad and getting worse.  We honestly thought that we were going to lose him.  Fortunately, we figured out what the problem was (the medication mostly) and were able to address it.  But it was scary, he's part of the family.  Just like Maggie Moo, the little carpet shark isn't forgotten!
All for now, I'm tired!

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