Sunday, September 29, 2013

100 Gallons

That how much rain water we have stored between 2 barrels.  The older one is 55 gallons, but the way it's set up it doesn't hold water totally to the top.  The new one is 50 gallons and it's full to the brim.  It was actually overflowing, until I got a little water out of it with my watering can.   We got nearly 3" of rain yesterday, and it was needed badly.  We may get more, towards the end of the week.
Otter's new store opened today.  We went shopping there this afternoon.  So did Otter's Grandpa.  She had a lot of customers aside from family, and she said that she is tired but not nearly as tired as she would have been at the party store.  It's a nice store, we were frequent customers at the existing store in the Tulsa area so we're already familiar with the chain.  The new store is about the same size but the aisles are a little wider.  I think Otter's going to enjoy working there.  She has had a couple of 10 p.m. nights, but she got out within just a few minutes after 10 and not 11:30!  Also, the management is a whole lot better.
I've been crocheting like a madwoman the last couple of days.  I'm working on a shawl for Nana and it's going fast.  It's the exact same as the turquoise one I made myself, but it's much easier.  For one thing, I'm using the correct size hook this time.  Makes a difference.  If I think about it, I'll post pictures on the craft blog but in case I don't it is exactly like the turquoise one, except that it's white yarn.
Froggy, in case you are interested - we had Braums for lunch today!


Anonymous said...

You are such a turkey. Glad you got the rain barrel set up.
Have fun crocheting.

Otter Mom said...

The anonymous comment was Froggy, she just forgot to sign it.