Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sneezy Tuesday

Bill and I have the sneezing part of the day.  Otter's just got the itchy nose part of the day.  Allergies, what can I say?  Well, I can say a lot.  I just won't!
Bill went back to work today.  His incision spot looks like it's healed, although we have to keep using the medicated ointment on it for a while.  But it does look good.  He's still micro-managing, but not as bad.  He still is supposed to be careful and not lift anything.  He's probably doing a bit too much, but not enough for it to be an issue.
I did get the honeysuckle planted at the trellises before he got home today, I wasn't in the mood to be micro-managed!  Of course, he did ask me how I planted them - I told him that I planted them in the dirt! :)
Otter is working two jobs this week.  She worked her last night shift at the party store yesterday, she was to get off at 9:30.  At 10:15, they finally walked out.  Today, she worked 4 hours at the new job.  At the existing store in Tulsa, the new one should be opening sometime around the end of the month or early October.  She works at the party store tomorrow and Thursday, day shifts thankfully.  Then on Friday she'll be at the new job again, and Saturday will be her last day at the party store.  Today, she had a little bit of training but since she's already had some cashier experience they put her on a register and she only needed minimal supervision.  Friday will probably be the same.  Most of the people she'll be working with at the new store are going to be trained and start working at the Tulsa store and some of them started this week along with Otter.  She has a training class on Monday, beyond that she doesn't know what her schedule will be.  The "new" boss said that he hopes to have their schedules by Friday but it might not be until Monday.  I'm just glad that she got a new job before the October rush at the party store!  So is she, and so is Bill.
Bill's hoard increased today.  He had someone call him about restoring a pachinko machine.  He met the guy today and gave him an estimate on the restoration the guy wanted.  The upshot is that he decided he'd rather sell it than spend several hundred dollars on a machine he overpaid for in the first place, so Bill bought it from him.  The hoard increased yesterday as well, he has a restoration/repair for someone else and that person is paying him with other machines!  He got the first one yesterday, the customer might give him two other machines or he may decide to split the payment up between cash and machine(s).
I don't want to hear one word about the amount of yarn in my stash, now!

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