Thursday, September 05, 2013

Maybe I'll Make More Sense Today?

The end of the Bill-stress is in sight!  At least, the current Bill-stress.  There's always something going on with Billyboy, its just that some things are more stress-fairy-filled. :)
Which is a good thing.  I'm running out of battery power!  Bill has been able to actually lie down since Sunday night, but he hasn't slept that well.  Which means that I haven't slept that well!  He is thinking that he might have to be sitting up for the next few days, even if the doctor doesn't recommend it.  He's feeling less pressure in his face when he's laying down but not as much as he was.  It looks a lot better, too.  He's really getting frustrated with not being able to pick anything up over 20 lbs. or bend down very far.  I don't blame him, but the end is in sight.  Just one more week of restricted activity, pending the doctor visit tomorrow.
Otter has been busy, but she wasn't ready for me to talk about it yet.  She has been looking for a new job over the last couple of weeks.  She's had a couple of interviews and has been offered a new job with a hardware/tool store that is opening a new store in our small town.  They have an existing store in the Tulsa area and the company is nationwide.  They've been in business for a few decades and coincidentally happen to be one of Bill's favorite places.  He's hoping for an employee discount!  She goes to the Tulsa area store tomorrow to fill out all the new employee paperwork, but she's not sure yet when she'll actually start working.  She is going to ask that tomorrow, and then if they give her an answer and it's close enough she will probably go ahead and give her notice at her current job.  The current job is not horrible, but it's got a lot of things that she doesn't like that seem to be increasing - such as being scheduled for literally every weekend almost since the day she started.  She asked about that, and the answer was that they know she's responsible, a hard worker and they can count on her.  So, they took advantage of her - and admitted it when she asked.  There are a few other things, she also was getting scheduled for late nights several times more than the other employees - for the same reasons.  There was also an issue with the late nights.  Specifically, her shift ending at 10:00 p.m. but at 11:30 they still weren't finished closing up!  Almost every time.  They have a newer supervisor who doesn't seem to know how to do her job and that was the main reason for the near-constant hour to hour & a half later shift ending.  So she decided that instead of waiting the 1 year she was aiming for, 7 months was a good time.  Also, she wanted to be out of there before October as Halloween is the busy season and the employees were already warned to expect many, many nights where they work until midnight!  So, she started looking a couple of weeks back and started getting responses almost immediately.  She went to a job fair for the new store last Thursday, she had an interview then and on Friday they emailed her asking for information to do the background check so she was encouraged about her chances.  Yesterday, they called and left her a voice mail (she was at work) asking her to call to set up her appointment to come in and fill out her new hire paperwork so she figured out that they were offering her a job.  She called this morning and confirmed the offer.  The new job will have more hours, her current job started out with a certain number of hours expected but then they started cutting everyone's hours back almost to where it was not even worth it for her to go in.  The hours will also be more stable/regular.  And the kicker is that it's a higher wage and they have a lot of employee incentives.  And no midnights!  There are times that my many years of being in the Personnel Department at my job in TEXAS (I was the Assistant Manager of the Department) comes in handy and this is one of those times; Otter's called on my many times for job-hunting advice.  But she got the job on her own merits.
However, she is very much her Father's Daughter.  That means that she's still in danger of spending her entire check at work! :)

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