Friday, July 31, 2009

Blind as Bats! Dog Stuff Mostly

Yeah, I know. Bats aren't really blind. But I think my dogs might be. We were mowing the yard a couple of days ago and both dogs had access to the back. They'd been running around and playing but then they stopped to sniff grassy spots. All of a sudden, the resident rabbit ran out from the iris plants, straight to the shed and underneath. RIGHT IN FRONT OF BOTH DOGS AND NEITHER ONE SAW IT!

Maggie beagle is still looking for Otter, but not as much. She mostly mopes around when she's ready to go to bed.

Frasier heard the White Lightning when Bill was pulling into the driveway today. Frasier immediately jumped up and bounced all the way to the front door. When Bill came in the door, the dog was overjoyed. Which was strange, because Frasier is not normally a bouncy dog! But today he was. I guess that Frasier feels like Bill needed to be greeted with excitement, since Otter's not here to do it.

(By the way, the latest excuse for driving the White Lightning is because he has to check the gas mileage.)
And Maggie is now baiting Frasier. We bought them some chewbones today. Frasier immediately took his outside and ate it. Maggie hid hers on Otter's bed, then she carried it to the fleece where she sometimes sleeps in our room. Then she unearthed it from the fleece and brought it into the office. She plopped it down on the floor and parked herself down, then sat and watched to see if Frasier might come in after it. When she heard him, she got up and pushed it closer to the door and then backed off. He never came back here, so she got up and repositioned it again. Eventually, she'll get tired of it and either eat the chewbone or go put it back in Otter's bed. She is trying to get Frasier to grab it, then she will get furious with him. She's a true little sister, that's for sure!

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