Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just Stuff

I am not exactly in a blogging mood tonight, but I thought I'd better surface and at least update some stuff.

I talked to Virginia yesterday afternoon, their is virtually no chance of David coming out of this. The doctor said what they expected. She is spending every second at the hospital at David's side, and their families have been going at different times. She's going to spend Thanksgiving doing the same thing, and then on Friday the machines will be turned off. In all probability, David's heart will stop beating immediately or within a few minutes. Their priest came by and gave David the Last Rites, she said that his expression was very peaceful and calm afterwards and she was comforted by that. She is also able to take some comfort in the fact that David will be reunited with Sara, their beloved daughter. That doesn't make it easy, but it makes it easier for her.

It's been a difficult week for me, I want so much to be able to be there with her. Since I can't do that, I did something else. I called a friend of hers from the place where we both used to work. Her friend said that Virginia had told them earlier in the week that David was sick but hadn't been back in contact with her since then so she didn't know the extent. I told her as much as I knew and she was going to contact her. Virginia is going to need her friends and family very much right now.

OK, other stuff because I'm getting depressed.

I was able to get my new glasses on Monday, they are right this time and I'm happy with them. I went back and got them adjusted yesterday, they were a little loose. But it's nice to be able to see, the old ones were beginning to be very hard to function with. The new ones fit in a slightly different spot on the bridge of my nose and that is where it's sore. I've usually had sore spots behind my ears when I get new glasses, but not this time. It's getting better, it just takes time.

Otter went to work with me today, we're probably getting to the end of that happening and I want to enjoy it as long as I can. We went to a bookstore at lunch, she found a couple of books and then we went around the corner to the library and we both found things there.

Otter now has a shoe rack with enough shelves for all her shoes! And it even has room for a few more. She was very happy about that. I'll post a picture later on, I haven't uploaded pictures from the camera yet.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, we'll be at Grandpa & Sweetie's and I'm sure we'll all eat too much. Sweetie is making her famous potatos, Bill and Grandpa will deep-fry the bird, I'm making bread & green bean casserole and Otter is making dessert. Poke Cake! Froggy, remember the poke cakes mom used to make? Yummy.

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