Sunday, November 22, 2009

See No Evil

Or much of anything else.

Froggy, I got your text. I was getting my eyes examined and was in the process of getting fitted for new glasses. Which I still don’t have!

Warning: Long Story Ahead.

I don't have the new glasses because when the tech measured my eyes and marked where the bifocal line should be, it was too high. Way too high. I told her that, she marked all over the lenses and promised me that the tech who actually made the real lenses would see her notes. Well, either he didn’t see them or she didn’t make the notes – or they just did their own thing. Because when we went back 2 hours later, they were even worse than the glasses I have now. After we finally figured out what the problem was, their attitude was “so what” and I told them that it was not acceptable. And that I wanted my money back. The clerk was helpful, he was new on the job but he was trying – the arrogant tech was the problem. The new guy suggested that they re-examine my eyes (free this time) and see if the prescription was written incorrectly. So I agreed, because I realized that I would have probably had the same problem elsewhere if the prescription was wrong.

And it’s a good thing I did, because it was wrong. I asked the exam tech about that, he tried to tell me that my answers to what I could see with etc. were different, but I know they weren’t and so did Otter since she was in there with me. I told him that but he didn't answer.

So then we go back out to get the measurements for the bifocal line, etc., and that’s when I really figured out just how bad the lenses were made. Basically, I would have had to spend my life with my head down so I could see out of the tiny, almost not there small area at the top of the lenses if I wanted to see anything. It was a different tech to measure the glasses this time, and the bifocal line is much lower. About where it is on my current glasses. I made sure that everything was marked to where it should be, but by this time it was nearly 5:00 and they closed at 6:00. So they are going to make the glasses in the morning and I’ll go get them when I get off work. And if they are not right, I will get a refund and go elsewhere. I got the new prescription written down for me, in case I do have to go elsewhere. Let’s hope I don’t. Because Texas Woman will come out to play, she nearly did today. And we all know what that means!

In short, it was a wasted day. Well, not totally. Otter had been wanting to go to the mall, so while we were waiting for the lenses to be made (the first time), we walked across the parking lot to the mall and looked around. Didn't buy anything beyond lunch at Sonic, but we still had fun.

I have a Bill story. He had planned on trimming a couple of small limbs off of two trees that were brushing the roof. This needed to be done before the roof replacement. So this morning, he got out his new toy (extension ladder) and his saw and headed out to the tree by the garage. He got his limbs cut down and then he promised me that he wouldn't go anywhere near the tree in the back yard until we got home. Because Bill by himself with a bladed object is not safe! But when we got home, Bill told me that we have termites. These are a special breed of termite, very rare. They are called SAWTOOTH TERMITES. And they just happened to be in the tree in the back yard, and they just happened to eat the wood of the tree in just the exact spot where he would have sawed the limb off. And they are called SAWTOOTH TERMITES because it looks just exactly like a saw blade was used to take the limb off.

He also informed me that Frasier got a rodent of some type this afternoon. The dogs were out there helping Bill when he stacked the wood that the helpful sawtooth termites cut off, and he said that Frasier suddenly came alive and started unstacking wood. Then he jumped on something and caught it, Bill thinks it was a rat but since Frasier ate it he's not positive. Frasier brings things to me when he kills them, but apparently Bill isn't deserving of gifts. Of course, I give the dogs a treat when they bring me something! But Bill always says he doesn't like the dogs. Yeah, right. For someone who doesn't like the dogs, he sure makes a lot of trips to their treat container and then usually puts peanut butter on the treats for them. And for someone who doesn't like the dogs, he sure plays with them a lot. I guess that's how he shows his dislike, by spoiling them even more rotten than they already are!

Oh, one more thing. We also have another variety of termite besides the Sawtooth ones. This type are called Chainsaw Termites. They just came to our house about 30 minutes ago. (Yeah, I know - Bill and power tools are not a good mix!)


Anonymous said...

It took about 2 months to get my new glasses correct. I had to take the new ones off to read. The bifocal line was way to low and the prescription was off by quite a b.t The place where I got mine was very nice and worked with me, they were just slow. Now my glasses are great. Except when the lower part gets dirty and that it because of the bifocals.
Do the new types fo termites only come out when you are not home?

Otter Mom said...

It's amazing, the sawtooth termites didn't show their presence until I was gone. And they seem to have all gone away, now that I'm home.

The first problem with the new glasses was because the bifocal line was way, way too high. I literally couldn't read anything right in front of me, and I had just the tiniest sliver at the top of the lenses to be able to see what was right in front of me which means that I would literally have to go through life with my head down so I could look out of the top of my glasses. Not gonna happen! The prescription was also off, just enough that everything I looked at had a sort of shadow behind it as well as fuzzy edges so I couldn't really tell what anything was when I had something in front of me to read as a test. We'll see if they got it right when I go back Monday after work.