Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rainy Fall Sunday

But busy!

Bill bought a new toy last week, it's a compressor. It's about as tall as he is and very heavy. There are a lot of times when he needs one, so he finally just decided to buy one. He found it on Craigslist. It needed a couple of parts replaced, but it was a very good deal so it was worth putting a little $$ into. The problem was, where to put it? Between our work benches was a plastic shelf unit, and that's where the compressor found a home. The shelf unit has been taken apart and moved to another place in the garage, where Bill did need storage. While we were at it, he cleaned off a wooden 5-shelf unit that we've had for many years. The wooden unit was in Otter's room at one point, then when we moved it joined the clutter, I mean Bill's supplies, out in the garage.

But Otter needed a place to put her many books and magazines, so guess what? The wooden shelf is now back in her room. So she's spent a couple of hours reorganizing her books and magazines, and now there are no more stacks in corners! And the shelf still has some room, which is a good thing because she is her mother's daughter, after all, and books play a major part in our lives. She did comment that the last time she had that shelf in her room, she was unable to reach the top of it. Now she's able to see the top!

I have a Craiglist find myself. I just bought a bicycle! I bought a new one a couple of years ago and did ride it but it was not really big enough. I have long legs, and we thought it would work when we got it but even with the seat raised up all the way it was just barely too short for me to ride comfortably. Otter outgrew her bike, so I gave her my newer one and went back to my old 10-speed yard sale cheapie. That's the one that had the blowout a while back. That particular bike was fine for a long time, but it was a more expensive brand/model and that meant that I couldn't just go buy standard parts when it needed work (which might have been why it was practically free!). It was kind of a pain to have to go to specialty shops for it, and I didn't want to deal with it anymore. The brakes were acting up on it, the chain kept slipping off and the shifter just plain wouldn't work but I was coping with it until the blowout. That was the final straw and I decided to go ahead and replace it. I never had time to deal with it this last summer, we had so much going on between company (which we loved!), summer school and then the rent house so I figured I'd just wait until next spring/summer and get one then. But Bill's been checking Craigslist for me on a regular basis and a likely one showed up Friday. We went to check it out today and it came home with me. It's in decent shape, it's sturdy and the seat is new (and soft), the brakes need a little adjusting but they work - unlike my last one! And the tires are good. Of course, it's raining and probably will be for days. But as soon as the weather is good, I'm going to start riding again and I think it will help my knees a lot. They were better when I was riding on a regular basis. And they have been really bad lately.
I have two lazy dogs on the floor beside me at the moment. One of them is a very clean beagle, she got a bath Friday afternoon. She was not amused! But she was crazed afterwards, she ran all over the house several times and zoomed up and down the hall 7 or 8 times. She really seemed to enjoy the drying process, and she doesn't stink anymore. Frasier needs one, but he's a harder target to catch! He always seems to know when he's about to get a bath, even if I just think about it! He was sleeping so soundly while ago that I actually had to check to see if he was breathing!

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