Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday A1 Steak Sauce

Because I still don't really care for ketchup! Well, I do like it a little. Just not as much as Otter.

It's been a long week, and it's been stressful. I have been extremely worried about Virginia all week, I've talked to her several times and also to her 6-year old granddaughter. It's really hard that I wasn't able to be there for her, Froggy I can not thank you enough for taking over for me and going to the visitation today. Virginia is my dearest friend, in fact we are more like sisters than friends and have been for years. She's had so much happen in her life, she's dealt with more tragedy than most people.

OK, I'm going to change the subject now. They still need prayers, but I'm trying not to get depressed!

Well, let's see. What else has been going on this week? Well, I got my new glasses on Monday and they seem to be right. I had to go back and get them tightened up on Tuesday, I have had a sore area on the bridge of my nose and behind one ear from the frames fitting differently than the old ones, but not anything really bad.

Thanksgiving was Thursday, we had a really nice time at Grandpa & Sweeties. Lots of food and family, and Otter got to play Wii for a while - all the adults were so overfed by this point that nobody had the energy to play with her! We had a great time, we haven't seen them in several weeks.

Bill's got a new toy. He bought a planer. You know, to plane wood smooth - not a planner! Yes, it has a blade. I try to keep him away from that type of thing but sometimes ... He needed this particular piece of sharp object. He was making shoe shelves for Otter, but he decided that the ones he was making weren't what he wanted them to be. So he bought her 2 more 2-row shoe shelves which stack on the top of the one she had. The ones he was making will become a plant stand for me. The planer will come in handy for the shoe rack turned planter, and also on some other projects he has in the works.

It's raining. It has been pretty cool most of the day, and it started raining late morning. Not a hard rain, just a nice slow rain. The kind that we need to go on for days.

Otter's allergies are back in full force. She's been alternating between sneezing, stuffy nosed, hoarse and runny nosed. She took benadryl at bedtime last night and it helped quite a bit. She has a day off from school tomorrow, so she's going to stay home and enjoy a relaxed day. And she'll probably sneeze quite a bit! Maggie Moo will be happy that her mom is home with her. She'll probably show her happiness by snoozing all day.

Fraiser is acting strangely at the moment. His blanket is in the dryer. He doesn't like it when it's not where it belongs! He followed me to the laundry room and stared at me, very intently, when I was putting the blanket in the washing machine. Then he turned around, flipped his tail at me, and booked it back to the living room. He's made several trips to the laundry room, just to look in the door. When the blanket comes out of the dryer, he'll probably sniff it a few times and then possibly ignore it for a while. It won't smell the same. But that's the point!

Bill fixed the brakes on my bike. They were sticking slightly. I took it on a test ride Friday afternoon, it rides wonderfully but the brakes were sticking and also squeaky. Now they don't stick, but I think they still squeak. I haven't been able to ride it since then, it's been too cool and now rainy. But I think I'm going to be very happy with it.

I spent several hours yesterday, with a crochet hook in one hand and yarn in the other. Froggy, the scarf for your friend is finished. I'm going to work on Kid#3's next and then her hat. I think that's her name! Anyway, I am also finished with the jewelry roll pouch for your friend, I just have to attach a button so it will close and then after I get Kid#3's scarf & hat done, I'll get it all in the mail to you. I'll let you know.
Looks like Otter's tulip bed won't have tulips next spring. We kind of forgot about getting bulbs, then when we realized it (Friday), we discovered that nobody has any bulbs in stock anymore. So she's decided that she'll just plant something pretty in it next spring and then we'll make sure we get bulbs early next fall.

I gotta go see what Billyboy is up to, he's baking cookies. I spent quite a bit of time this morning cleaning up after his cookie baking yesterday, and now he's probably undone all my hard work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might check Sams club for tulip bulbs. The one here still has some.