Thursday, November 12, 2009

Some Stuff of Varying Degrees of Importance

I watched the Fenton episode of Dirty Jobs on Tuesday and really enjoyed it. I don't think that manly people realize just how hard it is to make things with glass. I already knew most of the process, but the show was enjoyable. Dirty Jobs is always an enjoyable show, and Fenton just made it more so.

Frasier is snoozing. He's on the floor beside me, every so often he'll rearrange and I just heard a deep sigh. I've had to treat his ears a couple of times lately, he doesn't like it but he does tolerate it reasonably well. Except that the last time, I didn't get the towel over his ear fast enough and he shook his head. All over me, the floor, the couch, etc. He has now started snoring. Loudly. He might be talking in his sleep and dreaming soon, we think he chases cats in his sleep sometimes.

Otter and I are working up another list of words we'd prefer not to hear. It will be posted in the near future. In the meantime, anybody got any suggestions? Email me or leave it as a comment, but if you leave it as a comment it might not be posted because I want to do one big list. We have a few on our list already.

There was something else, but I've forgotten! Oh well, maybe I'll think of it later. At least it's nearly Friday.


Anonymous said...

Having senior moments already?

Otter Mom said...

No, it was just a day where I was on a first-name basis with my stress fairies. And they were multiplying!