Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Squirrels

We went to a local park this afternoon.  It has creeks, trees, birds, frogs and azaleas.  And a boatload of squirrels!  We sometimes take peanuts and feed them.  They are not tame, but they are very used to people and we can feed them from our hands.  Feed one or two, and you'll suddenly be surrounded by billions of little bushy tails!  We didn't feed them today, but they still follow people around if they think that there is the slightest chance of food.

We took Otter there to take pictures.  We decided to take her senior pictures ourselves, we weren't impressed with any of the packages we saw offered at any of the millions of photographers in the area.  The park is a local landmark and there are always lots of people.  In the spring, most of them are taking pictures.  Today was no exception.  Lots of little kiddos being herded (and chased down) by parents with cameras in hand.

My allergies didn't particularly like today's outing, but I enjoyed it otherwise.  So did Otter.  But we'll take peanuts next time.  Not that I expect the squirrels to starve, by any stretch of the imagination!

Movie Review:  Tangled.  It was pretty good, better than I expected.  It was funny.  I probably would not have been happy at theater prices, but we enjoyed it.  Especially the horse!

We have been watching, and there are almost no morning glories coming up.  We've always had a whole lot, but not anymore.  I'm thinking that the seeds we got last year must have been infected with something which is what we thought then, because very few came up from the seeds last year and even less of the already established ones.  This year, there are none at all in any of the areas I planted the seeds.  Including Otter's trellis.  There are a couple of vines that have come up at the end of the trellis, but they are the ones that were already established.  We bought several packages of seeds at the hardware store and I'll get them planted probably tomorrow.  Then we'll cross our fingers and hope.  (I'd plant them today, but my skin would probably run away if I spent that much time outside;  allergy overdrive!)

Several iris plants have blooms.  Several more have buds.  There are now two different shades of purple, and the yellowish ones have spread out.  Just no morning glories!

Otter has a movie review:  Insidious.  (I think that's the name).  She said it was good and that it was very scary.  She and BF saw it yesterday.  They also went to dinner.  They called it their Anti-Prom date.  The prom was last night, but neither of them wanted to go.  They wanted to do something that they would both enjoy, and the Prom was not it.  So they decided on dinner and a movie instead.  They actually went to the next small town over and had a Mexican dinner.  Otter said that she really is glad she got the shoes she did last weekend when we went shopping, but that she's now got blisters from them.  But they look good, and since she's her mother's daughter when it comes to cute shoes...

I did (finally) find time to crochet this week.  Yesterday.  I put 2 or 3 rows on the afghan and really enjoyed it.  I am going to work on it and a couple of other projects I've had planned for a while, then I'm going to get back to de-stashing.

Today is Palm Sunday.  We went to the early church service, which is what we usually do.  There normally aren't a lot of people, we are hoping that will change.  Because I don't see Pastor Dave keeping the early service much longer if he's only got 6 people in the audience!  Pastor Dave was complaining about how windy it has been lately.  He said that the wind was the reason he left West Texas.  He didn't pick a very good place, if he wanted to avoid wind!  Although we usually do get it earlier in the year.  But at least the area behind our house has grass now, it was scraped down to dirt when the building started back there and it was horribly dusty when the wind blew.

Like it always does here!


Alexandra said...

Anti-prom date - love it! We did the same - my boyfriend and our group of friends. It was a lot of fun, and prom wasn't a huge deal in the 80's at our school.

Anonymous said...

Was this the park we went to and fed the squirrels? Saw the movie Hannah, lots of killings and blood. Did not really like it. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Yes, same park. Possibly some of the same squirrels, they tend to live long lives at that park.