Sunday, May 27, 2012

Busy Sunday

Obviously, it's a busy day.  Or at least the morning was.

We didn't make it to church.  Nobody could quite get moving.  Mostly allergy related stuff, such as the fact that I feel like I only got about 2 hours sleep last night.

However, Bill still needed to mow the back yard.  Which was his plan for when we got home from church, but since we didn't go he decided to get it done early.  Which turned out to be a good thing, because it's getting warm fast and also humid.  Otter & I had car wash plans for this afternoon.  Mostly, Otter owed me a couple of car washes.  Mid-morning or thereabouts, we got out to the driveway and washed all three vehicles.  I pitched in a bit, since she can't quite reach the middle top of the cars.  She also cleaned up the dog yard, and since they throughtfully made a new (large & deep) hole in the back yard, she had a place to put what she cleaned out.  We also took back the movie I rented Friday, went to the post office to clear the box and stopped at Froggy's favorite fast food place to bring lunch home.

I was tired to start with, now I'm exhausted! :)

Otter enjoyed the Renaisance Festival.  She went with HP & his family.  They had a good time, she said that it was very crowded but that she enjoyed it.

Yesterday's movie was RedTails.  It was better than we expected, we were afraid that it was a l940's setting with 2012 attitudes.  Which it was to a point, but it was actually a pretty good movie.  Although the editing could have been better.  But the acting was good and the cast was good.  They just tried a little too hard at being politcally correct instead of factual.

We're not sure if the jalpeno plants are going to make it.  They were transplated to pots a week or so ago, they are in good potting soil and are getting watered with rainwater on a good schedule.  They get enough sun.  The seeds were new, for this year.  And they haven't grown a fraction of an inch.  Not sure what the problem is.  We're going to give them a little more time, but they are probably destined for a hole in the back yard.

The eggs in the front planter have hatched.  There were 4 eggs, and they are now at least 3 babies.  Probably all four, but Otter took a very fast picture with her cell phone and it wasn't really clear.  It was clearer than the one I tried to take at least.  We were in a hurry since we didn't want to keep mama bird off the nest any longer than necessary, so she took the picture as we were on the way to get in the car.

I think I might be just about through with my latest crochet project.  It's a shawl that I've been working on for a while.  It's actually destined to be a gift for someone, but I wasn't broadcasting that until I was through since my work is not always as good as it could be with the on & off tendonitis issues.  It's going to my sister from another mother, also known as Virginia, but I'm not quite finished with it yet.  It needs a finishing row, which is basically a scalloped edge but I'm not sure exactly which of the many scallop patterns I have that I'll actually use.  Virginia is not very tall, Otter's taller than she is, so I've been using Otter as my stand-in when I wanted to see if it was long enough yet.  After yesterday's two rows, I've decided that it is long enough and is ready for the finishing row.  Which might get done today.  After I'm completely finished, I'll get pictures and put it on the craft blog.

And now, it's back to my usual Sunday activity:  laundry.

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