Friday, May 04, 2012

Happy Star Wars Day!

May the Fourth (be with you).

I realize the irony of the Borg Queen posting that, but it's funny.  I do like Star Wars, it's just not my first choice for sci-fi.  Because, as well all know, Star Trek Rules and the rest of it is just entertainment...

RIF, Y'all.

(Doctor Who is actually my second choice, in case anybody is interested).

OK, enough of that.

Froggy sent me this picture and I just had to post it.  It's so perfect.  And, it's so true:

I have a T-shirt with a similar saying on it, I think it's also says something like "It's A Texas Thing."  Because it is a Texas thing!  We might call 911 - but that would be so that an ambulance could be sent out for the bad guy.  Because he would need it.

I love being a Texan!  Especially when it also involves *RHTW, but that's a seperate issue altogether.

The robins in front have flow off, we haven't seen them at all today.  But there is evidence that another nest is being built in the planter on the front porch, the same one that had a wren family in it last year.  We're seeing a lot of doves suddenly, as well as boatloads of mockingbirds.

I'm really glad that it's Friday.  It's been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong week.  Bill had to work late and didn't get home until 10:30 last night, and since Otter was running around shopping with one of her girlfriends I was on my own for a while so I went to the grocery store - which was exhausting.  It was also Otter's last week of her freshman year at college and her last finals.  Work was crazy.  But the week is over and I'm glad about that.

We're having steaks tonight.  Which might or might not have something to do with the Texas thing.  Then I'm going to have a glass of wine and put my feet up.  I might not move from the couch until Monday morning!

*RHTW:  RedHeadTexasWoman.  She can be an unwise person's worst nightmare.  Right now, she's itching to come out and play but nobody has given me any reason to let her out of the fence!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree it has been a long week.We had pinto beans for supper. Froggy