Sunday, May 06, 2012

Sunday Splits

As in the banana kind!

Of course, ours were brought home so they were not quite as pretty as this one.  But they were still good.  I stuck them in the freezer for about 30 minutes, while I helped Bill finish mowing and we had them when we got finished.  Otter's ice cream choice was a double scoop cone of birthday cake flavor.  Froggy, I texted you a picture so you probably already know where we went!

Otter and I went to Michael's before we got the ice cream.  She's got a couple of projects that she's working on.  She needed 3 different paints and even though I have enough craft paint to float a boat, she needed the three colors that I didn't have.  Michael's also had the sketch books she likes on sale so she got one of those while we were there as well.

We finished cutting up the limbs today.  The tree has a lot of weak places and I think it's got some limbs that are partially dead.  We're not going to do anything else to it yet.  But I do think that we'll eventually lose the entire tree.

It's definitely a wren that is building a nest in the planter on the front porch wall.  We've seen her a couple of times, no idea if she's the same one as last year or not, but she has stayed in the nest when we've gone out the door a few times.

We watched the movie Tintin yesterday.  It was better than I expected.  The animation was excellent.  I'd recommend this one.

Guess that's it for today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stinkers all going to Braums without me.
