Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Ketchup

I didn't do a so-called normal Sunday post since it was Mother's Day.  (Not that anything is ever really normal around my house).

It's Monday.  Again.  Urgh.

Anyway.  I had a very nice Mother's Day.  We saw the Avengers movie and it was very good.  Stan Lee's cameo was towards the end and caught up by surprise this time.  He created the entire franchise, along with X-Men and several other spectacular comic series.  It's kind of a trend to try to find his cameo appearances in the movies based on his works.  But the movie was really good.  It had quite a bit of fighting but the violence actually wasn't that bad, there were a lot of fight scenes but they are part of the story and not violence for the sake of violence.  Very little blood, nobody took their clothes off (except for one scene after the Hulk had turned back into his human half and then it was implied but not seen and was very funny) and I don't think that there were any objectional words.  The theater has a special on popcorn & cokes on Sundays so we got the large popcorn and then a free refill.

Otter made me brownies.  Surprisingly, there were still chocolate chips left to put in the brownies - Bill was attempting to eat all the chocolate chips but Otter managed to save a few from him!

Among other things at work, today I took down and got rid of all the cat supplies.  Our office pet cat Miss Whiskers has vanished, she has been gone for over a week and we're pretty sure that she won't be back.  We really think that the worst has happened, but the 95-year old teenager prefers to think that she just found a real home.  I hope he's right, but she's probably "gone" gone.  When I got finished, I got the garden hose and cleaned off the back porch (the office is in a duplex).  I didn't toss the cat food just yet, on the slim chance that she actually does show up again.  But we don't expect her to.

Not much else going on around here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stressed is dessert spelled backwards. Sorry about the cat, hope it still comes back.