Sunday, February 08, 2015

Picture This

I've finally gotten blogger to load pictures!

I had to switch to a different browser, I'm using the Chrome one from Google.  It seems to work better and faster, and it lets me post pictures now.  There were other issues besides just the picture problem.

This is what we did last Black Friday, when everybody else was shopping.  We cleaned the living room carpet.

I was standing in the front entrance when I took this picture.  To the right side of the picture is the loveseat, standing up on it's side against the wall.

This was taken from the opposite side, and the edge of the loveseat is visible on the left side of the picture.  I was in the dining room for this picture.

This picture is back at the entrance way, you can see the fan that we used to dry the carpet and the couch is behind it.  The carpet cleaner is in the middle of the room, the window and door face the back yard.

Another one from the entrance way.

This is my craft/play/guest/YARN room.  The sofa table was moved in there while Bill was cleaning the carpet, but it eventually made it's way to the pachinko work/junk room:

This is the area where my desk used to be, now it has what was Bill's desk that has been turned into his main work station.

This is the closet in there, and this is actually a lot neater than that room usually is.  Seriously.

Mr. Dignity!  Or not, actually.  Otter was cleaning out things prior to her move, she found the Batman cape which frequently decorated her traffic cone and we put it on the dog.  He usually won't put up with being dressed, but he did this time.  He gave us quite a scare this morning.  He was walking through the kitchen and he slipped.  His legs went out from under him, and then he couldn't get up.  I was about to follow him out to the garage, I didn't see it happen but I was behind him and was there as soon as it did.  He moved his front legs, but he couldn't seem to get his back legs to move.  I yelled for Bill and he came running, I held Frasier's head and petted him while Bill checked for anything broken or out of place.  When he didn't feel anything like that, he very gently tried to lift the dog's back end up but he still acted like he couldn't get his legs to where he wanted them to be.  We gave him a minute, then Bill carefully scooted his legs up against his body and we tried it again.  He was able to get up, but he was very shaky.  I took both dogs out to the garage and to the treat can, which was where we were heading originally.  Frasier was happy to get his treat, but he wouldn't come to me for a long time.  I opened the back door and he wanted to go out, but he wouldn't as long as I was standing there.  Same thing for the gate.  I finally stood where he couldn't see me and held the door open, he went out and stayed out for a while along with Maggie Moo.  I walked up to him once, and he went to the other side of the yard.  Eventually he went to the door to be let back in and he let me pet him then.  But once they were inside, he wouldn't let me close.  I waited him out, he finally came back to me for petting.  He went back outside to their yard and laid down in the sun, he seemed to be happy there but he was still not acting like he was back to normal.  After a couple of hours, he seemed to be fine and was bouncy and playful with Maggie while ago.  But we are still watching him.

This is just a cute shot of a very contented beagle.  She is smiling in this picture.  This was taken the same day as Frasier BatDog.

Otter's apartment:

Her kitchen.  I tease her about this being the first and only time it was neat and uncluttered, but she is her mother's daughter so she cooks.  She texted me a picture of last night's dinner, she made tacos.


This is the living room, although it's now Roomie's area.

The dining room.  Otter's going to put the workbench against the far wall.  That is the kitchen to the right of the picture.  That's my purse and camera case on the right hand side counter.

I was standing in the hallway just outside of Otter's room when I took this, it's the living room turned bedroom and that's Roomie sitting on her bed.  The front door is the one pictured.  This was right after they moved and they were still partially boxed.

Otter came over to do laundry today, she brought J with her and then he helped Otter and Bill move boxes to the attic.  After that, Otter sorted through all the books she has to resell.  The book store has a limit of 36 at a time, so Otter sorted her books out into piles of 36.  I kept back a couple and she gave J a huge paper sack full of books.  We took one bag to the bookstore, she now has over $100 credit and there are still two more loads of books to take.  We also went to BigLots, then we stopped at Little Ceasar's pizza for lunch for everyone.

Now that I can post pictures again, I have a few things to put on the craft blog.  Possibly today, but it depends on how long it takes to go over Bill's email change list again.  I'm pretty much done with mine, but he has several we want to to check and there are probably a few he hasn't done at all.

Now, I'll go back to watching my dog.

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